• kissablekeli posted an update 11 years, 9 months ago

    Breast enlargement done!!! 😀 so pleased with them. Bit stiff and bruised at the moment but cocodamol helping with that. I had a really amazing day yesterday at the droitwich spa hospital. Lovely room and truly lovely staff. Before and after pics to come. Add me for any qus, but message me first. Can’t believe it’s done after 6years of wanting this 😀 still feels like I’m dreaming!!!

    • Congrats! Hope you are feeling ok, the first few days are rough im just getting back to normal after mine on 23rd August, make sure you have some laxatives as co codamol make you constipated!. Happy healing hun x

    • Congrats 😀 your dream has come true hehe. I’m waiting for mine now 🙂 x X x

    • Hi there!i think i am the size that you were before 32a…i am going to have my op on 31 of this month of october…400 c.c high profile , what do you think?are you happy with the results?thank you!xx