• elisha91 posted an update 10 years, 9 months ago

    @jessjade29 How you doing jess???

    • Really well actually … Don’t know what I was worried about ! Although goin off the forums day 3 is what all the girls don’t seem to cope with so well see … Right boob more swollen the left coz he tried 2 sizes in that one but I can feel its just air ….its gone down today actually a bit … But overall really pleased ended up with 470’s I put few pics on before ill put some more on when I change my bra so can see em better …… How about u hun ? Hope ur ok ? Inboxed you this mornin to see how u are x

      • what sizes did he try in you? I havnt got an inbox of you they don’t work for some reason, I am fine up and about but cant do much feel I feel like a right pain asking people to do stuff for me.
        i keep looking at mine don’t feel real yet. how did you sleep?Xx

        • he tried 420 n 470 ..I feel the same keep askin hubby to do things for me … had my friends round fussin aswell helpin me change ect .. keep wakin up in the night not sleepin great at all ..boobs are feelin ok tho getting bigger n more swollen each day hahaha x x