• Rachel posted an update 10 years, 1 month ago

    @kelly-doncaster hi hope you dont mind add im due to have an uplift and implants with mr traynor in june cant wait but worried about recovery and also the scarring how r u getting on xx

    • Hi Hun, no worries, accepted u:) I’m nearly 8 weeks post op now and my scars are amazing, all the scabs have pretty much fell off and left with very light scarring, can’t even see them roud the nipple. I went back to work after 10 days but I wish I had a little longer to recover. I think I started to feel 80% back to normal about 4 weeks and now I’m completely fine! I’m back at the gym and sleeping on my side now and feel great! What size are u having? X

      • Aww thanks chic…. I’ve just seen ur pictures omg there amazing!!! I hope I can achieve the same look! I not sure about size yet I haven’t even met mr Traynor yet I’m meeting him this Wednesday so he can say what size I should go but I’m thinking around 260 to 300 as I was told going to big when having an uplift there prone to drop again! Aww I’m so excited…I’ve got two small children though a 1 year old and a 3 year old so slightly worried about this but I’ve got help around me xxxx

    • As long as you’ve got help then iyou will be fine. I was a 32c and now a 32DD and had 265cc CUI implants xxx