View my stats
  • Height

    5'10 ft

  • Weight

    49 kg = 108 lbs (7.7 st)

  • Bra size


  • Clinic location

    MYA Manchester

  • Procedures

    Breast Enlargement

  • Surgeon

    Mr. Frati

  • Age





About me

NEW FRIENDSHIP INVITORS: Girls, please send me a message before adding, its only polite as the pictures are quite personal. Thanks x

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Post Surgery

Are you a MYA patient?


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My Stats

Pre-op 32A or possibly even AA (wore the wrong size for years)/ Post-op 34D/DD
270cc /teardrop /unders
Dr. Riccardo Frati
49kg/ 178cm / petite ( small frame)



5'10 ft


49 kg = 108 lbs (7.7 st)

Bra size


Clinic location

MYA Manchester


Breast Enlargement


Mr. Frati



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

I didn’t expect to get the little boobie gene, not after knowing that that’s not the case between women in my family, so I must have inherited it from my dad’s side. Long story short, I thought that quitting teens and giving birth would change the appearance of my breast, but it didn’t to the slightest. It’s natural for women to expect having lady parts, so for me being rather flat was unacceptable. Therefore, the only way was breast augmentation.

Why did you choose MYA?

I’ve been searching here and there, and even considered different countries, but for some reason MYA caught the most of my attention. It could have been the “finance options”. Could have been that I trusted Bridgewater Hospital (I did major research on it, and also knowing that getting recruited there is pretty tough meant that the people really knew what they’re doing). Could have been anything else, or everything together. But for one or another reason, I just felt like I can trust MYA.

How was your consultation?

My lovely PC is Lauren Harris, MYA Manchester. Very friendly, chatty and bubbly girl. She sorted me big time. If there’s any problem, or question she’d answer my texts straight away with a solution. I’m a very happy costumer.

How was the day of your procedure?

My admission was at 8 am in Bridgewater Hospital, Manchester. I arrived, and checked if all the basic info about me was right, and signed the form. They have accidently put my DOB wrong, and therefore got my age wrong too.. so I had to have that corrected. Bless them, i’d love to be 19 again haha
Once I signed the form I was taken by my nurse to my room (YES! I was lucky to get my own room). There I did some more paperwork, basic health check and personal info. Then about 20 min later Mr. Frati came, in a very good mood by the look on his face and went through all the procedure that’s about to follow. Then he took pictures and drew on me. After that, I was left in my room to get changed into the lovely gown and knickers they provide, and waited… It was about an hour, and I was accompanied by my anaesthetist. Again very friendly, chatty and happy person. he asked me few general questions about my health and whether I’ve ever been under general anaesthetic, and told me I was going to be in the operating theatre after about 30 mins. That’s where my nerves started to kick in, despite I was strangely calm all day till that moment. After about 20-30 mins I was taken to the operating theatre, where I was laid down on an operating table and measured blood pressure (about 10 times, as it came on and off automatically). It was cold in the room, so I remember myself shaking. The nurse was friendly, we were talking for a bit and he put on the “thingy’s” on me legs that were supposed to help and massage my legs during op to help blood flow. Then the anaesthetist came and I was put an oxygen mask on, and they put the cannula in my arm. I was told that I was gonna be accompanied by a female company, so they got a female nurse, but I only saw her came in and went out… Next thing I know, I was waken up in a recovery room by the same male nurse/ anaesthetists assistant. I felt nothing, just tired and dizzy. After few mins the pressure started to kick in, and it felt so difficult to breathe. But I was very happy about my new boobies!! The were finally what I wanted them to be! I didn’t take much painkillers during the day, in fact I took only one co-codomol after I had my toast and tea. I was offered a lots of food afterwards which I ate, assuming I hadn’t ate since 9pm last night! It felt like heaven. The only problem was getting to toilet, every time I stood up, I went dizzy, pale and nauseous. My blood pressure was on the low side too… so the nurse which was an absolute legend brought me a wheelchair sort of thingy where I could have a wee. Its embarrassing to talk about it loud, but I was unable to walk anywhere and I was given a solution. At about 5pm Mr. Frati came to see me, and discharged me, he was very happy about the result and how natural it looks. Told me few instructions for next 2 weeks, one of them being to keep the band on, which is restricting my breathing so much! Can’t wait now for my post-op with nurse to take it off. The nurse came then to take out my drains which was a drama. I don’t want to scare you ladies, must have been my luck. The right one came out fine, out in a sec, but it was stuck in my left boob! OUCH! That did hurt. She tried to pull it harder, but was scared to cause any damage, so someone else came in and did it for her, and the pain was sharp but quick. After a while I went sick, and even more nauseous after eating a half of ginger nut biscuit that was supposed to help with my nausea. So I asked for a anti-sickness medicine and was given something that was eventually supposed to be good, but it made me more sick and yes.. everything did come out. But I felt so much better afterwards. So then I felt like I could try walking again and it seemed that I could go home now. It was about 7.30pm. The hospital called for a taxi and we went home. It was very rude driver, but that’s a different story and if I’d knew his name or would remember the company how word for, wouldn’t recommend it.
Home feels good, better than hospital .. I am not a big fan of hospitals even though I was taken care as of princess!! I’m not sure if I feel more pain or is it the pressure from the breast band on top on my boobs, but its uncomfortable. Can’t lift my arms, dressing up isn’t coming easy, and the boobies feel like huge, swollen, hard balls on my chest. Nights sleep isn’t coming easy as well, back pain and only one position to sleep in. But I believe it’s all worth it! I feel blessed to have gotten the opportunity to get this surgery done :)) and better days will come, it’s what healing is!

How was your recovery?

Still recovering.

Are you happy with your results?

So far so good, but only POD 1, so there’s a room for big changes.


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