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    9.5 stone

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  • Procedures

    Breast Enlargement

  • Surgeon

    Dr Frati

  • Age




Ellie Clarke

About me

I am 20 years old, and I had my breast enlargement on the 2nd September 2014. I went from a 32A to a 32G using 450cc unders, and the procedure was completed by Dr Frati at the MYA Fitzroy Hospital.

Having my op has improved my life in so many ways, and I will always be grateful to everyone from the Chelmsford clinic who helped me along the way.

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Post Surgery

Are you a MYA patient?


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My Stats

Size 8-10
9.5 stone
High profile, silicone unders
Pre-op 32A
Post-op 32G





9.5 stone

Bra size


Clinic location



Breast Enlargement


Dr Frati



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

I had wanted the procedure since the age of about 15. I suppose seeing glamour models in the papers and magazines made me feel like I was missing out, but it was mainly due to my own body confidence issues.

I’ve always been very slim with a large bum, and I always felt really pear-shaped. It got to a point where I was scared to wear anything figure hugging, and it was difficult buying clothes that would fit me nicely. It didn’t matter what anyone else told me, I was just so unhappy with my appearance.

Why did you choose MYA?

Two of my friends had procedures done at MYA – one had a breast enlargement, like me, and the other had a breast reduction and lift. I was so amazed by their results, and they made the whole process sound like an absolute breeze. As soon as I arrived at the Chelmsford clinic, I was overwhelmed by the support that all of the staff gave me. I knew straight away that MYA would be the ones to change my life.

How was your consultation?

My initial consultation was nerve-racking, but I was instantly relieved as soon as I arrived. I was welcomed with a glass of water, and then was quickly taken up to see my PC. It just felt like a conversation with one of my friends, and all we spoke about was boobies for about an hour! I looked at patient results, different implant shapes, different sizes, and the difference between overs and unders. I then went through the pricing, and the finance options.

How was the day of your procedure?

I live about 70 miles away from London and I was told to arrive at 6:30am… this meant leaving the house at 4:30am! I didn’t know whether I was excited, scared, happy, sad – I felt numb to the core, and couldn’t believe that the day had finally arrived.

My mum was 100% supportive throughout everything, and she took me to and from the MYA Fitzroy Hospital. I went in to my op at around 9:30/10am, and my procedure took about 40 minutes in total. All of the staff could tell that I was absolutely terrified, and they made me feel completely at ease – the nurses gave me reassuring pats on the back, cuddles, and they explained what was going to happen very clearly and efficiently.

When I woke up from the anaesthetic, the first thing I was asked was “how much pain are you in from 1-10?”. I scored the pain at an 8 (probably because I’m a big baby), and they quickly gave me some Tramadol for the pain. I was then wheeled back to my personal room (with a bed and an en-suite) where my lovely Mum was waiting patiently for me. I woke up very confused, thinking that the procedure hadn’t actually been done, but the staff were very quick to reassure me and remind me of what had happened.

I then fell in and out of consciousness, and was very drowsy. My drains were taken out at about 3pm, and I was on my way home to Suffolk by 4pm!

How was your recovery?

Admittedly, I really had a horrible time whilst recovering. My mum was there for me every second of the day, but the pain was very intense. The first night was the hardest, and I found it very difficult to sleep. The nights gradually got easier, but I wouldn’t have been able to do it without my V pillow!

I was on strong painkillers and strong antibiotics for a week, and was very glad to see the back of them. I was very sleepy all the time, and the whole recovery time seems like one big blur. I couldn’t eat for about 5 days, and found it difficult to go to the toilet also. I was told that this is normal, so I made sure that I was just keeping hydrated and eating dry foods.

After 10 days, I got back in my car and started driving again (with my mum next to me, incase I couldn’t do it), then after 14 days I went back to work.

Are you happy with your results?

It is a long process, and at times I felt like my patience was being majorly tested… but it was 100% the best decision of my life. It isn’t easy, I will be honest – it is scary, and painful, and tests every single emotion inside of your body, but it has absolutely changed the way that I see myself in the mirror and I have even found the love of my life! My new found confidence has helped me excel in my love-life, my work and my social life, and I couldn’t have done it without my incredible family, my supportive friends, and the wonderful staff at MYA Chelmsford.

I had stretch marks just after my operation, but these then faded at about 3 months post-op. My best bit of advice – PLEASE BE PREPARED TO LOOK LIKE A MONSTER FOR A LITTLE WHILE! My boobs were like 2 big cones on my chest for about 2 weeks, but they change every single day. I am nearly 5 months post-op, and they get more and more beautiful every time I look at them.

If you want something, don’t let anyone’s opinion put you off – I am happier than I have ever been.


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