


About me

Had op 11 years ago. No longer happy with my look. I would like bigger and fuller. Also have some horrible rippling that means I cannot go out without a bra on. (Previous surgery done elsewhere).

I have a consultation booked with Mr Kazazi as I knew someone years ago who had her boobs done with him and they were amazing!

I work in operating theatres in the NHS. Love going to the gym and running. Also do aerial and fire and stilts cos why not!

Only close loved ones know about my breast enhancement as I feel it isn’t the business of others so I have not shared my social media info: I don’t want to share it through there but would not be against adding anyone on it in the future.

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Had one procedure and interested in another

Are you a MYA patient?

Currently researching

I agree with the terms and conditions


My Stats

Unsure of actual bra size as I buy padded bras that are too small for me (as cannot get passed in correct size!) I would guess at 32E

size 10 and 60kg


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