Why did you want the procedure? |
For as long as I can remember my boobs have been really odd sizes, 2 cups sizes between them! It’s effected my confidence in a lot of ways! From clothes shopping to relationships! So I bit the bullet, and decided to save and go for a BA.
Why did you choose MYA? |
It all happened pretty quick tbh, I’d seen mya on the tv so I looked on their website, booked a consultation and I was more than happy with their services so I didn’t even look into any other companies.
How was your consultation? |
My consultation was with Julie Nicholson at the Newcastle clinic and she was very informative, I felt at ease straight away. Between my consultation and meeting my surgeon I had a few questions and she was always quick to respond to any questions. All in all 10/10!!
How was the day of your procedure? |
My admission time was 3pm, I was worried as I couldn’t eat from 9am but on the day I was so caught up in it all I wasn’t even hungry! The nurses were very friendly and helpful, I went down at about 5:30pm and I was back in my room just after 6:30. I felt great! No pain at all, not even a little, it was more like a dull ache from a heavy gym session. I had no pain relief and I wasn’t sick or anything. Couldn’t of gone any better.
How was your recovery? |
My recovery has been perfect! I was given antibiotics, ibuprofen and paracetamol and I’ve not needed them until today (day 4 PO) and even now, I’m not in pain, just my macom is sat on my incision so its a bit sore. Just trying to get on top of it. I’m very bloated, but I’m regular so I’m hoping it’ll go down soon! Plenty of green tea! The worst part for me, is sleeping! I just can’t get comfortable. But other than that, I’m more than happy with my recovery!
Are you happy with your results? |
I am 100% happy with my results so far, I had a bit of a cry on Friday (day 2 PO) because they were odd, like very noticeable butn3 hours later I checked again and they had gone back to almost symmetrical. It’s crazy how much they can change in a short period of time! So if you’re reading this and you’re worried! Don’t be!!! Patience is a virtue. ✌️