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Pippa Barlow ❤



About me

MYA: Manchester.
Surgeon: Dr Traynor.
PC: Natalie.

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Post Surgery

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My Stats

Size 10, 60kg/9.5stone. B to a DD (wanted) ended up with 30F
375cc hp overs.
16th September 2015 at Preston.






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Dr Traynor



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

I used to be a D/DD but lost abit of weight. I ended up a small C for a while. Then before my consultation I was a B. It felt like I had gone to bed with boobs and woken up without them. My clothes no longer fitted me properly and I was spending £30+ per bra for the extra padding.
I had to do something to get me feeling normal again.

Why did you choose MYA?

A family member and a friend both used MYA and a few other people I know of. Their results were amazing, and I had every faith in MYA. I knew which surgeon I wanted due to their results (Dr Traynor), and it was close to where I live. Win win 🙂

How was your consultation?

I was really nervous about my consultation but the staff at MYA were so friendly and helpful. Dr Traynor was straight to the point, but made jokes and was easy to talk to. My PC at Manchester was also so lovely and gave me advice etc. From these consultations I knew I could trust these people 110%.

How was the day of your procedure?

I had my procedure at Preston First Trust Hospital. My admission time was 8am and I was shown to my room straight away to get comfortable and dressed in my gown etc.
The nurse, doctor and anaesthetist all came to see me. And then Dr Traynor came in having a chat and joking – this relaxed me so much more 🙂 he drew on me then and I was ready to go.
The lovely Dr’s in theatre held my hand as I was being put to sleep. Next thing I knew I was back in my room all comfortable in bed with lush new boobs. 🙂
No pain. Had a sneaky peek and then once I’d woken up properly, they brought me tea, toast, let me have a wee and then put my new huge sports bra on. Not long after I was allowed to get dressed and they discharged me with some antibiotics and pain killers.

How was your recovery?

I had my op on 16.09.15. I was swollen and a little sore, but did not touch my pain meds.
It’s more like having a heavy session at the gym, where you feel ok but are more sore the following day. The swelling got worse as I got home, but I know this is normal. I’ve been using bio-oil so hopefully I won’t get stretch marks but I’m pleased so far. Had to loosen my Macom though. Swelling had made it very tight!

I’m now 16 weeks and 3 days post op and they’re fully healed. My scars are so smooth and hardly visible (pics on profile), and I’m regaining more and more feeling everyday. Take it easy at the gym though!!

Are you happy with your results?

I am almost 21 weeks now and I love my new boobs. They’re absolutely a part of me and I can barely remember not having them. They feel like boobs, they move like boobs and they look more amazing than I could have dreamed of.
My scars are so light and miniscule. I feel so lucky (pics on profile).
I am so glad I had my BA, and so pleased that I chose Dr Traynor to carry out my procedure.
Mr Gary Traynor is a boobie God.
I can’t recommend him more!!! He’s fabulous!!
Please feel free to add me and check out my pics / ask questions. 🙂
Thanks xxx


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