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  • Height


  • Weight


  • Bra size

    32B now post implants was 34D

  • Clinic location

    London Fitzroy

  • Procedures

    Implants removed 2019 ( Post Cancer) Breast Ilness

  • Surgeon

    DR Mashadi

  • Age







About me

Implants done 380g 9years ago in 2010

Diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma cancer in 2017

removed implants 19/10/2019

I had implants done for myself esteem, removed them for future care, emotionally, spiritually, its possible I was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer with  rumours online.

My surgeon have sent some sample for lab test, since he suspected some fluid post removing the implants.

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Post Surgery

Are you a MYA patient?


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My Stats

had 380g implants removed

phewww the weight off my chest






Bra size

32B now post implants was 34D

Clinic location

London Fitzroy


Implants removed 2019 ( Post Cancer) Breast Ilness


DR Mashadi



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

9 years of implants, time to remove them for good.

they might look pretty, fluffed up. at the end of the day you don’t want to look like a granny with big boobs as you grow older


* its not a seaweed burger benefiting your breast internal organs, you’re putting in saline or silicone which later might get into the cells and create breast illness, make you feel like a crazy lady, rumoured cancer is linked. I was diagnosed with lymphoma cancer 2017

* mens don’t like implants, deep down they like natural even small one. they may desire looking at them but only touching the real deal

* can’t wear certain top, they make you look like grannies boobs

* can’t stay in heat, sauna, steam ( not good for implants)

* scare jump sleeping on your boobs

* your partner touching them hard

* you can pretend like they are real, all female with implants look twins & we know what implant shape look like.


Time been you will like new boobs on you, its not forever you might have to redo again 10-20yrs. would you rather knife up your previous body,



Why did you choose MYA?

I have to say Mya clinic was best choice of implants done 9 years ago & removed in 2019, entire team will make you feel like home well infect better.

How was your consultation?

Mr Mashaddi! he was super cool, friendly & very honest what to expect in reality.

How was the day of your procedure?

checkin 7.15am without chaperone in my private room, wore my dressing gown with funny looking underwear with cute elf green stockings ready for xmas .

I was soo anxious that I had diarrhoea twice lol before operation, something I would remember in a positive way.

Dr Mashaadi arrived clicked picture of boobs in classy way, I’m a model and I know the angles right. he marked with black marker between my boobs

my blood pressure was low  as usual but kept positive had chats with all nurse & cracked a laugh. My anesthetist doctor in London Fitzroy was looking damn handsome today without his uniform on, he asked question about health & if any chance of crown teeth falling out during general anaesthetic which can effect later 😀

beautiful nurse took me to surgery room, all doctors, assistance were so sweet. I told them I’m actually scared, she said ‘ awww don’t worry we will take care of you’ It was really cold in room so they warmed the operation bed like I was almost floating.

I always had difficulty with needles finding my vein, third attempt the handsome anes doctor fitted the canula granola whatever you call it for the general anestastic injection, they put the oxygen mask and told me to take deep breath. I actually thought I’m going to know when I will doze off lol but no, so I woke up after 40min in recovery room,  the nice nurse calling my name…. I was like high, tired high but loving the buzz because I felt no pain in body beside feeling tired. it took me another 10min to get out hippy mode to fully open my eyes back to London, I would high recommend to go under general anesthesia if you want to be anxious free. it will feel like a dream, I had no side effect beside a shivering for 10min, minor.

around 11am in my room shifting my bum to the room bed, my sweet nurse gave me water to sip on. Since I was soo hungry, had the best breakfast two brown toasted bread with butter, jam and cup of tea with biscuit.

Dr Mashhadi arrived in room, asking how iam feeling. told me that he removed the implants, cleaned the pocked. since my history with Hodgkin lymphoma cancer 2 years ago, he took some fluid sample to test in lab due to having some doubts.

forgot to mention Im now wrapped in mummy bandage, soft rich people plastic from my boobs to ribs, although can’t feel my small boobs since they are so packed up in hibernation mode. will remove them 1 weeks Time along with compression socks too. anyways nurse checked on me every hour for blood pressure check also if I needed anything, I was discharged 4hour post surgery. I wasn’t feeling tired, just walking slow. I really thought I will need a cab for 1hr ride home which would have cost £45. since I was feeling happy mentally, I took train journey home with my brother who picked me up. which was a good idea walking slow toward platform rather then 1hr isolated in car perhaps traffic and bumps on way.

doctors given me 2 different tablets, one for painkiller. which must be only taken if pain, nurse recommenced me that next morning I will feel heaving waking up so good idea to take 2 tablets before sleep, so you don’t have to go through the storm to feel rainbow.

I had surgery today 😀 19/10/2019



How was your recovery?

travelled on train post explant surgery, that answers it all for now

had chicken soup made by mum

Turmeric latte

Good tip: pre surgery been having Celery juice 16oz every morning empty stomach, best healing juice and magic advantage. got them from ASDA 50P


I plan to recover from few things in my research, no doctor will tell you unless your dating one 😛

* Celery juice – first time it will feel weird, second time WOW try straight out of fridge. it will taste like when sugarcane is sugar free, well its my imagination. don try to drink it like insta style just finished it within 1min

* Vitamin C, don’t have tablets unless you want to be constipated. Kiwi/Red bell pepper  is three times more vit C then orange, it will heal you quick also green vegetables

* cherry active consentrated  juice 100% from holland barret, 1/2 spoon in water

* to get your butt moving fast, Floradix the Advertistment posters are haunting you everywhere. in which you can get in Superdrug, boots

Are you happy with your results?

firstly I trust Mya

secondly I trust my choice 9 years ago & decision I took now

My soul is happy, physical appearance shouldn’t matter although with time it will only get better. If a man points out your small boobs, tell him he needs a boob job at mya or whatever his insecure about himself. boobs are for babies, the harsh reality.


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