

Storm in a B Cup

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I am 5 ft 2, about 9 st 7/9 , 61 kgs ish. Curvy, with muscle.  Never had much boob, was always small but perky and high up – a 34 B most of the time in my 20s.

Current bra size a 34c, but its a very padded 34c, and I have nothing at the top. A 34b would probably fit me now.

Breastfed 2 kids for a total of 5 years – I was a DD in nursing bras then settled at a D, but this has gradually disappeared as I’ve lost weight and got older. I’m now 48 and my youngest is 11 – time to rectify the issue!

I train for powerlifting 3 times a week, so there is a lot of pec up top and not much else!

I’ve been offered 300cc Mentor HP dual plane as the absolute maximum, and I also need a nipple lift.


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