View my stats
  • Height

    5' 5"

  • Weight

    55kg (8st 6lbs)

  • Bra size


  • Clinic location

    Amanda in Birmingham

  • Procedures

    BA with Frati on 1 April 2015, 650hp partials. Laser lipo in 2012 on my chin and jowells.

  • Surgeon

    Dr Frati

  • Age





About me

My PC is Amanda in Birmingham.

My surgeon is Dr Frati and had 650cc hp partials on 1 April in Manchester.

What Stage of the Cosmetic Surgery process are you at?

Post Surgery

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My Stats

Dress Size: 10/12
Height: 5′ 5″
Weight: 55kg (8 stone 6lbs)
Pre-op: Empty 34B – breastfed one child.
Post-op: 34H



5' 5"


55kg (8st 6lbs)

Bra size


Clinic location

Amanda in Birmingham


BA with Frati on 1 April 2015, 650hp partials. Laser lipo in 2012 on my chin and jowells.


Dr Frati



Patient Story

Why did you want the procedure?

I wanted the procedure as after breastfeeding my son for one year, my used to be perky 34c’s reduced to very empty 32b’s. Clothes never looked right on me, and I could never wear any kind of dress which meant I couldn’t wear a bra, as I just looked like a pre teen boy šŸ™

Why did you choose MYA?

I had a procedure done with Mya in the past, Laser Lipo, which I was really pleased with, so decided to go back to MYA for my BA.

How was your consultation?

My initial consultation was with the lovely Amanda in Birmingham. I’ve known her since my first operation 4 years ago so was nice to see her again.

She was fantastic and very knowledgeable about the whole procedure, as she had gone through a BA herself on more than one occasion, so she knew what she was talking about!

My consultation with the surgeon, Mr Frati was great. I liked him instantly and knew he was the man who I wanted to give me the boobs I’ve always dreamed of, he really is a boob god! He offered me 650cc hp round implants partially under the muscle to give me a large but natural breast.

How was the day of your procedure?

I arrived at Manchester Bridgewater 1015am, just under an hour early for my 11am admission on Wednesday 1 April. I had totally misjudged the traffic on the M6 and flew there in just over an hour! I was worried there was a massive power plant opposite the hospital at first, but it turns out itā€™s a massive brewery lol.

On arrival, since we were so early we were asked to wait in the waiting area for the nurse to admit me. We decided to go upstairs to the restaurant so my hubby could have some tea and breakfast (which killed me considering I wasnā€™t allowed anything!) but he was having a bit of a bad day and he didnā€™t feel too well!

The nurse came and found us in the restaurant at 1030 and said it was time to be admitted, so she showed me to my private cubicle and filled in the necessary forms, checked my oxygen levels and blood pressure. Gave me my sexy gown and paper knickers! It was a private cubicle, not a room. The walls either side were concrete but at the front was a big curtain so you could see and hear what was going on if you wanted to. There was a small TV, but I never used it, I was on my phone/ipad most of the time.

The nurse informed me that Frati was running (fashionably) 2 hours late and to expect a few hours before I go down, but to change into my gown ready as she didnā€™t know when Frati would come up and draw on me. I was 6th on the list and the second lady had just gone down. Apparently that day he was operating on 11 girls, doing both BAs and rhinos.

The anaesthetist came in and had a quick chat, told me where he was putting the cannula in and again asked if I was allergic to anything. He was lovely.

Frati eventually came in to draw on me at 2.30pm and told me I was next, in about 40 minutes.

The nurse came to get me at 3.15pm and wheeled me down to theatre on my bed. I remember being in a small white room speaking to the nurse and anaesthetist about the op and asking random questions. The nurse said I was having monster implants which made me chuckle lol. They also put some sort of arm rests on my bed which kind of looked like I was going to be laid out like Jesus pegged to a cross when having the surgery lol.

They put an oxygen mask on me and told me to take some deep breaths, I was a bit gutted that it wasnā€™t gas and air cos that stuff is the dogs haha, but I never felt a thing when the cannula went in. I am a bit weird as I do actually like to watch if people stick needles in me lol. He then said I would feel some pressure and to try and count to ten. I felt the anaesthetic going into my veins and it felt like a weird pressure, like someone sat on my arm, I donā€™t remember even starting to count and I was out.

I woke up in recovery (no idea what time) and was told everything went well and I was going to be wheeled back to my quarters lol. I was back in my room by 5pm when the nurse asked if I wanted some tea and toast. It was the best tea and toast Iā€™d ever eaten lol!!

I was just lying there, looking at these plastic covered mountains on my chest, in absolutely no pain, such a strange feeling, just like a little man was sat on my chest! However I did feel like I had a few too many when I waddled to the loo as the anaesthetic made me feel quite drunk, but not at all sick. The nurses later brought me the most amazing tuna and sweetcorn sandwich ā€“ and I donā€™t even eat sweetcorn but I could have eaten a horse and his jockey at this stage. The nurse kept bringing me water and tea which was greatly appreciated!

After a lot more waiting at about 8.15pm I was told that Frati would come and dismiss me within the next 20 minutes. We all had to wait for him to finish operating before he could come and see all the girls. 30 minutes later I heard Frati on the ward talking to all the girls, and he eventually got to me at 9.30pm and told me the op went well, he fitted in the 650s and they looked great and said he was very happy. I was so emotional he went for a handshake but I just grabbed him and gave him a big hug haha ā€“ I almost cried ā€“ what a baby!

Now I had to wait for the drains and cannula to come out! I have no idea what took the nurses so long, but they didnā€™t get to me until 10.40pm! She checked my blood pressure and oxygen levels, asked how I was feeling (I felt great!) and then she started on the dreaded drains.

I was worried about the drains coming out but the nurse peeling off the strapping to get to the drains is worse than the actual drains coming out, it was like a long, slow wax! The drains came out so quickly and it was like a bee sting kind feeling, which lasted all but a second ā€“ I was so relieved. I didnā€™t even feel the cannula coming out.

About 10 minutes later I started to dress and was on my way down to meet my hubby in reception at 11.10pm.

I canā€™t fault the nurses and staff, I was very well looked after!

How was your recovery?

Recovery has been a breeze, which I wasn’t expecting since I had partials. I’ve had absolutely no pain and was off painkillers by day 4. All I had is pressure and a slightly feeling of being uncomfortable due to the stretching. I’d do it all again in a heartbeat!

Are you happy with your results?

Absolutely. I am only 11 days post op but the confidence they have already instilled in me is amazing!




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