1 Day post op Started by: Rebecca

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  • Rebecca 4

    Hey ladies! Just thought i would post and share my experience so far.
    I had my BA on 19th march. My admission time was 8am and i was 3rd on the list. I went down around 12pm and was back awake by 1.30 with my new boobies and i left at 4.30pm. I had Mr Mounir at Preston First Trust and i can honestly not recommend all of the nurses or staff enough! I suffer from anxiety and was very nervous but from the moment i arrived they all made me feel very calm and welcome. I had 300 and 325 under the muscle high profile and so far the pain is not too bad! I have attached a photo i took immediately after i woke up! I do keep getting shortness of breath (nothing too serious) but once i sit up and move around that passes! Im currently taking paracetamol and codeine every 4 hours and ibuprofen in between to keep the swelling down!
    Any questions please feel free to ask!
    Good luck to all pre op ladies yous are in VERY safe hands with Mya! XXXX

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    Claire 40

    wow looking good, How are you feeling today? x

    Gemma B 95

    Hi Rebecca, I had my op yesterday too, although I was the last one in I believe… I’m being a wimp though and too scared to have a look yet, but I am in fair amount of pain/ very swollen and tight.
    Good luck with your recovery xxx

    Rebecca 4

    Hi Claire, thank you! Im surprisingly feeling good today, not in very much pain but i am having alternate painkillers every 2 hours which i think is helping alot! & yes Gemma mine are very tight today too and keep getting shortness of breath! Hope your recovery goes well & start feeling better in the next few days chick xx

    Gemma B 95

    You too hun. I bought an ice bag from amazon which is making a massive difference.
    Hope you’re feeling better soon too xx

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