1 day post Op! Started by: Chelsey Cleghorn

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    I had my surgery yesterday and my God I underestimated the post pain. I was so wrapped up with going under GA I even asked if they could do it local at Harley Health Village as it was my first GA and I have a mild heart condition so was so so nervous. They reassured me I would be ok so I went with GA and it was great! Plugged me in, had a slight funny taste and fizzy feeling the next thing I knew it felt like 5 minutes passed and I was being woken up by the lovely nurses. I kept saying excitedly when I woke up ‘I’m alive’ the nurses found it hilarious! However day 1 post op and I was so concerned about GA I didn’t think about this part at all! It feels like I have done 4 millions press ups and a stitch like I have been running. I have 350cc Unders. I even have a squeaky boob which I have read and researched it’s normal and it goes away! Does anyone know when this constant throbbing will ease off? My boobs are cone shaped and atm excited to see them adapt to the implants and fluff up! My experience with Dr George Soumari was great!! The hospital was great too! Felt so at home and welcomed! Really eased my worries!

    Kiana 9

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    Yes thats All normal! It took me to day 5 to feel normal again! Just keep taking meds And rest as much as possible. With the squeeking that also happened to me And completely went after two weeks! Hope Your ok And dont worry Your boobs will be amazing just give it time xx


    Thank you so much! It’s now day 2 post op today feels less painful than yesterday but still super tight and aching! I want them to get closer together and start dropping in so impatient 😂


    I am 6 days post op now. The first 4 days, great, minimal pain levels, more uncomfy than anything, day 5 and 6 have been tough. Pain is worse now, more painful in left breast, chest feels crushed, incisions are itchy, sore and stinging! I am dying for a shower I feel so gross. Still taking the codeine and muscle relaxers because I am in pain. Back to work tomorrow, dreading it. I’m also more bruised each day, bright yellow bruises. Right boob slightly larger and different shape to the left. Sure it will resolve when they have settled.

    Helen 3

    The first 1-2 weeks are definitely the hardest then it just gets easier and easier. I’m nearly 3 months post op now and forget I’ve got implants sometimes. Mine looked so weird for the first few weeks, one was higher and smaller than the other and it really freaked me out. It’s hard to believe but you do have to trust the process and give it time. Mine have dropped and got so much softer now and I know I’ve still got a way to go until they’re fully settled.


    Ahhhh thanks for this ladies!!! I’m now 4 days post op I just can’t believe they will look so different in a few weeks they just look so swollen!! So pleased your all reassuring me 🙂

    Helen 3

    Try not to obsess over how they look now and over the next few weeks as they will look so different once settled. I was constantly looking at them and freaking out about how they looked to start with! Also, take it as easy as you can, especially in these first 2 weeks, and don’t overdo things, your body needs time to recover 😊

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