11 weeks post op.. just added lots of new pics.. 380cc with nipple lift x Started by: Natasha17

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  • Natasha17 1

    Hey girls, so i haven’t been on the site for a while so i thought id upload some new pictures. Since having a problem around 3 weeks after my op of my scars not healing up, they finally did at around 6 weeks. I feel that they have dropped quite a bit, im just not happy with the scarring on my nipples as it looks so obvious, and they are alot smaller than i thought they would be :(

    Had 380cc unders with a nipple lift with mario russo xx


    heya do you mind if i add you? im having 375cc overs with nipple lift so would be interesting to see your scars as i am so worried that mine would be messy or not heal properly xxx


    Hi please can I add you I’m having 385cc unders sorry to hear about your scars :( this bit worries me a but but I’m just having a BA. xx


    Do u mind if i add u too? im totally panicking about scarring! im Havin nipple lift With 460cc on the 31st x x


    do you mind if i add you im having 450cc and nipple lift on the 17th xx

    ginag84 1

    Hi Natasha, I too hate my scars on my nipples especially. Although my scars underneath aren’t great either, ones longer than the other and ones not in the crease, it’s almost on my rib :( its crap coz you can see it in certain bikinis I try on :( I tried to put pics up of my nipple scars but I couldn’t get the camera to show thm up properly. But mine aren’t neat really, they aren’t round, they are kinda blurred looking, there’s no obvious scar where he cut a round shape around my nipples, there all red and veiny :( Don’t get me wrong, compared to my before boobs, they are loads better, but I just wish those things were there :( Ive taken a look at your pics and yours are similar to mine. And i have to say that yours too look a billion times better than your old boobies :) But i still understand when you say your not happy with certain things, coz neither am I :( What surgeon did you see after Mario left? I’ve not seen one yet, even though I’m 4 months post op, I’m waiting till August when I move nearer to my clinic xx

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