11th may? Dr marcellino?! Started by: Emma

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  • Nikki 38

    Aw it’s horrible not being able to cuddle them.
    Yeh I’m still not doing much but I am trying to keep moving so I don’t seize up. Just not putting pressure on my arms or chest muscles.
    Not going to lie, I woke up this morning thinking this is going to be a long six weeks lol cx


    Im in on Wednesday at 1pm. Got the confirmation call today. Am struggling really bad with being still and doing nothing- just not used to it! So decided to go for a walk. Took me 30mins to do something that normally takes 15! And was so exhausted after i totally passed out. But apparently we should be up and about as much as poss to get circulation goimg and gravity to put them in place.
    I also bought two small ice packs and put them in my bra over my breasts for 10mins and then under for another 10 every hour to help the swelling. Is working quite nicely!

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