18 Months Post Op Started by: Debs

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  • Debs 2

    Hi There
    I’m 18 months post op and I have had enough, my boobs hurt, their very sencitive, it’s been from the start, I thought it would go away but unfortunately it hasnt, I’m so tired of it, it’s getting me down. Can anyone help? Any advice?

    Bassett28 122

    Oh Hun, have you spoken with your surgeon about this? If so, what did they say? I would have thought at 18 months post op you wouldn’t have any pain or sensitivity – certainly not regularly anyway! X

    Debs 2

    No I have t yet, I thought I’d see if this is normal as I knew there were risks of damage to the nerves. But I’m not so sure. I should phone them and I will, I need to sort it out. X

    Beverley 74

    I”m 9 months post op ,and I” not experiencing any pain . I agree with Basstt28 , contact Mya to book an appointment to see your surgeon . You shouldn’t be getting pains after 18months post op.

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