2 days till op.. ive got a cold.. also tanning injections? Started by: Shannon

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  • Shannon 4

    Hey girls,

    Its two days till my op and im not nervous at all about the procedure.. is that strange? However, today i have started with a cold and im really worried!!

    Also i was due to start tanning injections today but am going to put it off till after surgery, do you guys have any experience with them?

    Jenna 19

    I’ve been on melanotan for almost 4 years but I stopped taking it a few months before surgery just incase it showed up in blood results or anything like that! Not 100% if it would but not worth getting your op cancelled for! Xx


    Sorry to be nosey but what is melanotan? 🙂 I’m 5WPO and can’t wait to get back on the sunbeds but just curious as to what that was as I love a good tan!! 🙂 sorry to but in xxx

    Shannon 4

    It’s a hormone injection that increases the melanin in your skin

    I’ve bought some and will be taking it after my op, I have Irish skin and hate it !

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