20 hours post op Started by: E

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  • E 22

    Had my uplift and 250CC implants yesterday, everything was very breezy.

    Hospital admission-10am
    In theatre -12pm
    Recovery- 3:30pm

    Spent the night with drains in each side and legs connected to machines that keep the blood flow moving.
    Not needed much pain killers and plenty of toast has been consumed!

    So far from what I can see if my chest I am EXTREMELY happy!

    Serena 1

    Yay! Glad to hear your op went well and you’re happy with the results so far. How are you feeling today? Where did you have your op and who was your surgeon? I have my surgeon consultation with Mr Giannas on 18th for uplift and BA, super excited! Did you go for unders or overs, I’m undecided but I’m sure my surgeon will advise what’s best 🙂

    E 22

    The next day I was fine a little sore but nothing too much, today the pain is a little more intense if I’m honest mostly around the sides.
    I had my op in Preston ( staff were amazing and so friendly, took all my nerves away) and I had Dr.Netri, I did had a constitutional with Giannas and he kept insisting I go bigger but I just wanted a small natural look and Netri really listened to me 🙂
    I was recommended to go half under the muscle and I’m pretty happy with the look so far, good luck with the consultation, make sure you find the surgeon that works best with you and don’t feel pressured by them <3

    Serena 1

    Hope the recovery is going well. I want dual plane too! Thanks for the advice, I definitely don’t want massive boobs so I won’t be pressurised into going bigger! If I don’t feel comfortable with Mr Giannas I will book to see a different surgeon x


    I’m having an uplift and 300cc implants on the 21st of October with Dr Mileto. Can anyone provide me with some information on what to expect between arrival at the hospital and going into surgery?
    are there any tests etc?
    really nervous lol!
    also slightly worried that 300cc will be too small:( I am currently 34B/34C

    E 22

    1- Going into the hospital you will need to take a Covid test ( you need to supply that yourself)

    Once that comes back Negative they will walk you to your room/bed area and supply you with a gown and mesh underwear to put on, you can get a little bit comfy. Nurses and Others will come in and ask standard questions relating to your medical record and any allergies.
    I had to take a tablet that basically stops acid reflux whiles in surgery ( I’m not sure if all patients need to have this or not)

    2- They will make you take a pregnancy test ( they supply that)

    Then it’s just a waiting game till it’s your turn, they will walk you to theatre and lay you on the table ( don’t worry it’s not scary at all, the staff are all very lovely) and then you wake up in the recovery room just like that!

    Nurses will be along through the night to take blood pressures hourly, make sure you drink plenty water it really helps and they will bring you food to munch away at 🙂

    Don’t feel scared to ask for pain meds, the bed to be adjusted or even the windows open, I found myself getting so hot as I had blankets machines and heater on haha

    Honestly 300CC will be fine, I was an empty A/B and had 225CC, and they are such a great size, I’d say over a handful for myself!!


    Thank you so much! that’s really helpful. I’m having it at the New Victoria Hospital! Just so excited to have it done now!
    Glad you had such a good experience:)

    E 22

    It should be the same concept really then, I practically packed nothing just my bra and something to go home in as nothing else was needed,
    I’ll be posting scar updates soooooooon


    okay, hopefully, it’s pretty quick then!
    how is your recovery going?

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