245 -285? Started by: Frankie

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  • Frankie

    Hi girls.
    Really need some advice!! I am a size 6 and have been recommended a 245 or 285. I am quite skinny and small framed so I don’t want to look too big but at same time they need to be big enough! I have been told they will likely grow with pregnancy. Can anyone who has had similar size give me some advice please/add me. Much appreciated πŸ™‚


    hi im having 235cc on 18th feb, whens your op?.. im size 8 and just dont want big… if you google image search ‘285cc breast augmentation’ you’ll see theres a really good size difference especially if you’re small..


    Polina 1

    always go for the biggest offered. πŸ™‚ 285cc is not that much difference πŸ™‚


    Hey! My op was meant to be on the 20th feb but it has now moved to the 6th march! I was googling 245 and 285 the other day and you’re right it looks like a big difference but many people who have had them done say to go for the bigger option as there’s not much in it, like Polina! What sizes were you offered? Are you going for round? You have less than 3 weeks to wait now πŸ™‚ I like the size of Frankie Sandford from the Saturday’s, have you seen her on google in the green bikini?? Think they are the perfect size! xx


    just had a look… yeh they’re perf πŸ™‚ I really don’t want big either… Im having teardrop too because I want REALLY natural.. i was offered 250cc but i think i have more than you to start with anyway im a good B already.

    Polinas are AMAZING though but they wouldnt suit me… Everyone on here goes for a lot bigger than what were looking at.

    Are you at fenchurch street?? Theres a pc in there cant remember her name who had 235cc anatomicals she showed me them theyre lovely xxx


    I hadn’t even considered tear drop, I just presumed I should go for round, I will have to look into that. Yeah I’m a small B so you are bigger than me, are you getting them done because you just want them that bit bigger?
    Yep anything over 300 would look ridiculous on me, just wouldn’t suit me at all and I don’t want to throw all my tops/dresses out!
    I’m not actually getting them done through Mya anymore I’m going to Springfields in Chelmsford as I had a friend go there and really happy with her results xxx


    i need shape and fullness because of breast feeding.. rather than bigger boobs… let me know how you get on xx


    Ok well good luck with your op, hope it all goes ok and you aren’t too sore πŸ™‚ xxx

    kelly 1

    I had round, under muscle and are very natural looking already at 12 days post op, i had 340cc and would of had 380 if they allowed it, i too am 6-8 size and 5’2 in height x

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