250cc hp unders – 4 weeks PO Started by: Nicole

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  • Nicole 18

    Hi everyone I’d like to share my experience with you all, especially the ladies going for smaller implants as I know there aren’t as many topics on these!

    I had my op with Dr Kazzazi on 22nd April – really recommend his clinic, staff and decision on my implants! He is a man of few words and I was really hesitant about the choice of implant he suggested for me as it sounded really small but I only wanted a natural look and since that is what he is known for I trusted his judgement!

    The op day itself went really quickly; it was under local anaesthetic but I don’t remember a thing and I was only there for a total of 4 hours so the recovery from the anaesthetic was really fast. The next few days I felt useless in terms of movement but I guess that was to be expected ? it got easier each day and I could drive from day 6 which I think is pretty good for unders!

    I went back to work in my office job after 10 days and was completely fine! Week by week my movement has got easier so hang in there girls who have found moving around frustrating and painful soon after the op.

    My boobs have dropped quite a lot now but they’re bound to change a lot more over the next few weeks and months and I’m excited to see how they end up ?

    I love love love my new boobs and it’s so strange how fast you get used to them after having absolutely nothing there all my life ? I fully recommend doing this to anyone who feels their boobs stop you from being confident about your bodies!!

    My stats:

    Size 6
    8 Stone
    Previously 32aa/a

    Currently wearing 34C sports bras

    I’ll try and upload some pics and please feel free to ask any questions you might have ☺

    Nicole 18

    Few pics x

    Nicole 18

    Ohhh I can’t figure out how to upload photos on here but there are plenty on my profile if anyone would like to see please feel free to add me ?

    Nicole 18

    One more go…

    Kim 21

    Yours look great Nicole …

    Nicole 18

    @rachel99 thank you I’m really pleased ☺

    Laura 4

    I have pretty much the exact same stats as you, i’ve chosen 275cc wanting a natural look too. I have added you, i’d love to see your results xx

    Nicole 18

    @lauraann hey I’ve accepted, good luck for your new boobs ? xx

    Laura 4

    ? they look amazing! I’ll be so happy if mine end up like yours! Xx

    Nicole 18

    @lauraann thank you!! I’m sooo glad I did it, you’ll love them xx

    Corinne 24

    Hey Hun I had 275 unders and so far I’m not happy with how they are looking I already think they are to small xx

    Nicole 18

    @enniroc ohh no I’m sorry to hear that! What kind of look did you want to achieve? When did you have your op? I actually prefer the look of smaller boobs and didn’t want to look fake, so I’m happy that mine just look in proportion to my body xx

    Corinne 24

    @nicole hey Hun I also wanted the natural look but I’m only 16 days PO it’s when I look down at them I think they look small and they don’t look no different in clothes to me.
    I do however think I just need to give it more time I’m very impatient X

    Nicole 18

    @enniroc Aww give yourself time to love them! Mine aren’t massively bigger in clothes but remember that you’re wearing confining sports bras right now which aren’t flattering and they’ll look so much better in actual bras! I wore a dress and no bra last night for the first time and I loved it hehe ? xx

    Kim 21

    Nicole,can I ask a silly question …do you still to use padded bra when wearing dresses or not ? I am thinking of going for 250cc but worried that I may still have to wear padded bras in a night out ?xx

    Kim 21


    Nicole 18

    @rachel99 not a silly question! Technically I’m not yet 6 weeks so I haven’t got any new proper bras yet! When I went braless the other day though I didn’t feel like I needed a padded bra on because of the shape of the implants looks good without, I still felt curvy so it was great ? one of the main reasons I chose that size implant though was so that I could enhance them even more if I wanted to look really dressy but also have them looking more natural in clothes if I wanted. I am really excited to wear push up bras now though as I’ve never had anything to work with before ? xx

    Kim 21

    Thanks for replying me .That was what I concerned about .I don’t really want people knowing me having the job done.I am 5’5 ,59kg ,A cup at the moment . do you think that I should go for 250cc or 270cc? From the pictures ,I guess I have slightly bigger frame than yours. Wonder if 250cc will leave me a big gap between the boobs ?x

    Kim 21

    Hi Kate,hope you don’t mind me adding you.I have similar stats like yours and I am deciding between 250-270cc…please let me know what you go for at the end ???

    Kim 21

    Thanks Kate,I appriciate it …as you said it is hard to find someone on the forum having 250 or 275 cc…This Friday is the day for you …I bet you can’t wait …:) x

    Nicole 18

    @rachel99 @kate93 the biggest I was recommended was 250cc for the look I was going for, so I think if your surgeons have recommended up to 270/275 for you then these would look good! To be honest the difference between 250 and 275 is so small it wouldn’t be noticeable but you wouldn’t want to feel you should have gone bigger, I was worrying mine were going to be too small but I really love them and I feel that any bigger I would look top heavy which I wouldn’t want. Also I just bought a cheap 32C bra from asda because I couldn’t resist and even though my swelling has gone down it was a little on the small side so I can’t wait to get measured! Good luck for Friday Kate I really hope the op goes well and you love them whatever size you choose!

    Regarding the gap between your boobs Kim, I think that even mine will start to close as the muscles relax as I’ve seen other girls pics on here and that seems to happen. Dr Kazzazi also told me though it depends on the current gap between your breasts how it will turn out but they wouldn’t have given you the option of 250 if it would look bad after!

    Feel free to ask anything else you think of ? xxx

    Clarissa 16

    @nickyjain Hey babe, I just had my consultation with DR Kazazzi, but he won’t let me get more that 295 in one and 320 in the other with Ultra High Profile. Do you think yours are big enough or wished you went bigger? What profile did you get? Ive added you, hope you don’t mind x

    Nicole 18

    @clarissacw hey I definitely think mine are big enough for me at least a full C and even though he’s very brief he obviously knows what he’s doing! I’ve only seen good things about him and I trust he’s given me a perfect size for me. I had high profile unders and I was scared they’d be too round but they look really natural I think. I’ll accept ? xx


    Thank you Nicole! Yeah like you say there’s not a lot of difference in 25cc so I may just go for the bigger one, but then again don’t want to look too heavy like you say! It’s hard! But after seeing yours it’s reassured me that they don’t look small but they look natural & fit your frame well! I bet your really happy with yours, they look really good! ? Thank you! Ill post on here after ☺️ Xx

    Nicole 18

    @kate93 it’s so hard isn’t it ?? thanks so much I’m really pleased, no regrets! Ahhh good luck can’t wait to see xx


    @nickyjain Hi Nicole hope you don’t mind Iv added you!
    I’m booked in for Sunday with dr kazzazi! At Doncaster!I’m really nervous about the end results I was offered 350cc then he changed it to 375cc! Did you have unders? Xx

    Nicole 18

    @Lauramay hi im sorry for the delayed response! I’ve accepted 🙂 wow good luck for tomorrow!! He’s a great surgeon I absolutely love mine so they’ll turn out amazing! Let us know how you get on xx

    Zoe 15

    Hope you don’t mind ive added you, I’m so glad I read this I go to see my surgon & try on the implants on Wednesday at the min im really a quite flat a and everyone seems to have 300+cc so it’s good to hear if I can only have the smaller cc xx

    Nicole 18

    @zoe-2 hey course not I’ve accepted 🙂 Aww bet you can’t wait! I was in the same position before my op trying to find girls with similar sized implants so I could reassure myself they wouldn’t turn out tiny ? I was 6 weeks yesterday and I got measured in Ann Summers today 32D/DD which I can’t believe I have gotten from a 250cc implant! Don’t be disheartened if you have something different in mind than what they offer you I am SO glad I didn’t push for bigger ? xx

    Kim 21

    did you have round or tear drop and what profile please ,Nicole ?x

    Zoe 15

    @nickyjain ive had a look at your pictures, they look amazing and not what I’d expect for 250cc I had in mind 250 been so much smaller. Did you have under or over the muscle ☺️ Xx

    Nicole 18

    @Rachel99 I had round high profile unders, this was supposed to give me a natural look which I’m happy with xx

    Nicole 18

    @zoe-2 thanks! I know I thought the same, when you look at the actual implant it looks small and I was really worried I wouldn’t get much of a result but I’ve gone from about an AA to DD so I guess it really depends on the person! I had unders, partly because I wanted them to look more natural and also because I had very little breast tissue to start with xx

    Zoe 15

    @nickyjain yea they look fab. They have recomended unders to me too as ive not got much natural breast & overs you might see the implant xx


    Hey Nicole! I was booked in at 10.30 and went down around 12ish and left around 4! I felt fine after the op but then felt quite sick and hot so stayed for a little longer slept it off then I was okay! I kept looking down all dozy thinking they were to small! Still can’t get my head round that I should be a d/DD they don’t look it at all atm, so I can see why people get disheartened! I had under the muscle so I think from what I can gather it’s more painful, anyway, I slept fine slept semi upright was very stiff in the night when I needed to go to the toilet and then the same this morning! I feel not to bad today just very heavy chested! I had the 375cc! Did you find the strapping annoying? I think that’s the worst, also did you find near your stitches you feel like it’s tugging? Thanks for the response!!! Xx

    Nicole 18

    @lauramay oh that’s great glad it all went okay for you! Haha don’t worry they will feel small for ages but I’m now measuring a d/dd from 250cc so I think you’ll be fine!! Yes the strapping is the WORST I wanted to tear it off and it’s awful not being able to shower I think that was the worst part for me! I know what you mean about the stitches it kind of feels like you don’t want to stand up straight so you end up walking around hunched over ? it will all be worth it! Xx


    @nickyjain they feel different again today feel like there mine a bit more!! Ibuprofen is the saviour I think!!
    Had a shallow bath this morning feeling a little more human!
    The strapping has gone baggy in the middle like lifted did you find yours moved much?
    Also how was your aftercare did you manage to get a nurses app and see kazzazi again?


    Hi nicole hope you don’t mind me adding you, I’m the same stats as you and want exactly the same, a small implant don’t really want to be any more than a full C cup but it’s so hard to find girls and pics of smaller implants! I’ve had my first consultation at Nottingham this morning and seeing Dr Kazzazi in a couple of weeks x

    Nicole 18

    @lauramay haha yes even though it’s the strangest thing it’s incredible how quick you get used to them being there and feeling like they’re yours! Yes I managed shallow baths too but I was gasping for that first shower ?? mine went baggy in the middle too towards the end of the first week, must be here the swelling goes down and the skin pulls away from the strapping. I had my one week PO appt with the nurse which was fine, and got my 6 week PO one tonight (6 weeks fr me was last Fri) so I’ll see what she has to say! Not planning on seeing Kazzazi but I’m not sure whether I do tonight… but I’m quite happy with the aftercare I’ve received but I don’t find I’ve had any issues really so far ? xx


    I no I can’t believe it really they still feel really small but must be down to the strapping pulling you all in etc, glad it’s not just me with the strapping then!! Movement is getting better by the day!! Ah brill glad your aftercare has been good I hope for the same to! hope you get on well tonight! Thanks for all your help!! X

    Nicole 18

    @beckixo hi don’t mind at all! I agree it is so much harder finding stories about smaller implants, ask me any questions you like. I asked to be about a C and Kazzazi recommended 250cc to get me to a b/small C as I had very little breast tissue and now I’m a big D ? that sounds big on my frame but honestly they aren’t big outside of a bra so I can wear a non padded bra to look more casual because I wanted them to look natural. Do have a look at my pics to get an idea of the size increase. I am very happy with mine even though they measure bigger than I thought they would. Dr Kazzazi is a great surgeon so I’m sure whatever he recommends will be perfect for you! Xx

    Nicole 18

    @lauramay you really won’t appreciate their size for abother few weeks and when you get measured. I still am bewildered looking at the bras I’ve bought and wondering how the hell I fill them as they just don’t seem that big ? glad to hear ture moving about okay, I’d definitely say keep moving about because I felt really stiff staying still for ages. Yes I’ve got no complaints! Literally was with the nurse for 5 mins, she checked them over and is happy with the healing so it’s all good ? she also booked me in with Dr Kazzazi for my 3 month check up ? xx


    Iv had a look on the forum today and everyone’s saying the same! Need to be patient I guess!! ?? I keep having a move around but not doing to much as I’m terrible for over doing it!!so pleased you got on well!! I can’t wait for this strapping to be off its so bloody itchy ??? xx


    @nickyjain I’m really worried about them ending up too big, a D cup sounds a bit big for me I really do prefer smaller boobs (I used to be a 34DD naturally until a couple of years ago then started going to the gym a lot and they just disappeared) and I actually prefer that I can wear certain tops now and still look small and slim I just need something to give them a boost as they’re a bit empty up top as I lost so much size! I definitely think 250cc would be big enough for me and I’m so glad you’ve got pics and looking at yours they look so lovely and natural and not too big at all in your bra! Do you find they’re still dropping and settling in? I didn’t realise it took so long I honestly thought they’d be perfect after a week ? I’ve heard Dr Kazzazi is known for the natural look which is why the PC suggested I see him, I’ve got the impression from on the forum he’s quite abrupt and blunt, is he good when describing that you really don’t want a massive increase? Sorry lots of questions!

    L87 78

    @nickyjain thanks for your updates on here! Id be so interested to see your results. I am so a size 6-8 and 5’3 around 55kg. I went for a consultation and I was suggested 350cc which I think is HUGE!! Literally when I tried them on I thought NO way… I want to be natural too. I tried on 275cc (which wasn’t recommended to me) but instantly thought that was the size Id want. Please give me any information, pics you have as it would really help me. Im in Liverpool, with Mr Traynor (who I really liked) but not sure why he suggested so big for me?! If anyone one else has anything similar please add me 🙂 xx

    Nicole 18

    @beckixo hey I know exactly what you mean about being abLe to wear certain tops, I’ve always been slim so part of the reason I didn’t go bigger was because I’m aware of the fact that big boobs can give the illusion of a bigger person I guess. Thank you… I am really happy with them and they measure bigger than they look which I’m fine with ? they’re definitely still changing they still have to soften up a bit but I imagine this is generally how they’ll look now. Yes I was aligned to Kazzazi as I said I strictly wanted to look natural and I’m so glad he was suggested as he really is reserved but his clinic is called the Natural Look Clinic and other comments on here have really praised his outcome. Don’t be put off by his few words. The size is perfect for me I’m so glad he said no bigger and the scars have healed really well. I don’t mind answering the questions at all; I’ve been there! Xx

    Nicole 18

    @lucy1987 hi ? please feel free to have a look at my pictures on my profile! Haha I tried on 250cc first and I was unsure because it’s still hard to visualise but after I tried 300cc and I felt ridiculous even though there probably isn’t much of a difference! So I stuck with 250cc and my surgeon Dr Kazzazi is renowned for producing a natural look. Very very pleased with the results ? so glad I didn’t go bigger. From what I’ve seen on here Traynor doesn’t seem to offer the smaller implants… If he will do 275cc for you then brilliant ? any questions feel free to ask xx

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