3 weeks 3 days! Started by: Heather Heaton

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    My left boob is really sore. If I pick my son up who is 5 months old, I want to cry. It’s only started this past few days?!
    Ive attached pictures from today, my right is settling loads, my left is still high and huge.

    how’re you getting on? xxx

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    Fionajsd 131

    You r still really early in your healing Hun . Have u spoken to the nurse at all? X


    Ive got my PO check today so I’ll speak to her then. Ive just took another photo and my boobs are so different. My right one looks saggy :/ xxx attached 3 hours po and today xxx

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    My left incision is really sore too 🙁 can’t wait to see the nurse later xx

    Ashlee 6

    Hey I think your boobs look wicked! It’s only 3 weeks so they are gonna change a lot over the next few months. Def speak to the nurse about your concerns though xxx


    So I spoke to the nurse at my PO check and she’s worried about the severe bruising that appeared a few days ago on my left (I posted that on here too) and ive had to come back this afternoon to see the surgeon and have him take a look at my left bust. She said it still feels hard at the bottom where bruising is but the rest is okay and the right is fab xx

    kay88 12

    @hheaton they are looking so much better now! 🙂 I think most people’s boobs drop at different rates, what did the nurse say when you went back? I feel completely healed now. No pain except the odd sting/shooting pain in the incisions but only for a few seconds and not often at all xxx


    The nurse was worried about the severe bruising that appeared a few days ago on my left but the surgeon took a look and said it was fine 🙂 they’re healing better and the left bruising is definitely settling 🙂 xxx

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