300 cc Moderate under muscle Started by: Amanda Young

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    10 days post op pics x


    Try again

    Andrea 10

    I hope you get the pics to upload. I’m very interested. Having 300 or 330cc mod plus partials soon.


    I’m trying lol x

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    @Andrea I would go for 330cc if you can. I was offered 325 cc and i wish i had I regret not going bigger x

    Andrea 10

    They look beautiful!!! Congrats! Usually they’re super high at only 10 days so I’m sure your results will be great. Thanks for sharing!

    Sara 15

    Yours look so good! Mine are still really high and hard @ 8dpo x

    Stacey 7

    They look fab, I am 17 days post op and mine have only just dropped. I can’t wait to wear a normal bra. I tried to upload pics but it wouldn’t let me. I didn’t have mine done with mya so that might be why I can’t.

    Lis212 17

    They look great! What were you before? I’m 34b and can’t decide between 285cc and 315cc just scared the 315 will be massive!


    Thanks a lot girls I was feeling quite disappointed if I’m honest about the size as they are smaller than what I had hoped for

    I used optimizer.net to reduce the size of my pics

    I was a 32a/empty b cup I will upload a before pic later on. I would say go for 315, it is still classed as a smaller implant so they won’t be huge! I regret going for the smaller size.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Amanda Young 8.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Amanda Young 8.
    Laura 25

    they look brilliant!

    can I ask your height and weight?
    I had 350cc unders but yours look bigger than mine!


    Thank you @Laura. I am 5’4/ 52kg. I think they look bigger in pics. Maybe I’m having a bit of boob greed because I think mine are quite small in person x

    Ashleigh 6

    I was stuck between Mod Plus and High Profile for weeks.
    I’ve eventually went with what my surgeon suggested and opted for High Profile.
    Yours look so natural. I hope I haven’t made a mistake xx


    Trust your surgeon babe I wish I listened to mine when he told me to go for 325cc lol I have never been able to tell the difference between the two tbh I wouldn’t worry about it xx

    Ashleigh 6

    Thank you Amanda. Surgery tomorrow so fingers crossed. I’m so so nervous. It’s a lot of money to still be unhappy.
    Yours look amazing. Did your surgeon suggest Mods? Xx


    I agree with you! And yes my sugeon suggested moderate.
    Good luck for 2moro! Hope it goes well xx

    Marilyn 34

    Hi Amanda what size did you end up if you don’t mind me asking. I was thinking of going for high profile but seeing all the pictures of mod plus I’m more swayed that way now as I have quite a bit of a gap between my boobs and would like that narrowed a bit. Xx

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