300cc Mr Kazzazi Started by: Rachael

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  • Rachael 6

    Today was the day I had my op! I’d contemplated it for years since I lost weight but always thought they’d look so fake on me so never looked into it too much. After seeing a small chested girl who’d had hers done and looked great I then realised that it was an option for me! I was about a 34a/very empty small b.

    I showed Mr Kazzazi my fat bikini picture (on my profile) and just asked for them back to which his reply was ‘well I can’t make you 6 years younger!’ Haha

    My experience with him at the Natural Look Clinic has been superb (I went direct) . I researched loads and travelled 3 hours to specifically have him!!

    He suggested 325cc to start with but then on second consultation we agreed on 300cc. I wasn’t chasing for bigger sizes, I just wanted them to look natural.

    I’ll try and upload a pic but some are on my profile if you’re interested.


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    Rachael 6


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    Emma 4

    They look fab hun!! im booked in with Mr Kazzazzi after I saw what an amazing job he did on my sister. xx

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