30e Uplift and ba 18 July, meeting Mr C on monday : D same date or stats? Started by: laura28

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  • laura28

    SO EXCITED!!!!!

    Feel like I have waited ages for this second consultation where I will finally get answers to my endless questions. Although to be honest the main thing on my mind is “HOW BIG CAN I GO????” Hahahha.

    Started getting my hosp bag ready, got new pjs, cooling/warm gel breast pads, and of course the v pillow….what else do I need? Gonna get a Macom or whatever bra he recommends…

    Anyone else got the same date or stats? I’m 30e, size10, 5″6. xxx


    Hi Hun I’ve got same stats as u and just had an uplift with 615 implants, surgeon wouldn’t go bigger but am pleased as I love em

    Good luck xxxxxx


    hay hun ive got a breast uplift with implats with dr c on the 10th july and also meeting him monday


    hay hun ive got a breast uplift with implants with dr c on the 10th july and also meeting him monday


    OMG!!!! 615! I would be over the moon with that! Bet they look amaze!!! I am hoping for min 525cc. Gonna add u 2 now … : D missamyshadbolt we can be booby buddies!! You are just a week before me, exciting times… xxx

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