34a to 34dd is it possible or am i too small Started by: lou

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  • lou

    boked in for consultation tomorrow what size do u ladies recommend for my size 5ft 3″ 8.5 – 9 stones. I wear a 34a but dont even fill it out. Im excited for my ba but still in 2 minds if im doing the right thing??? I hate being this small tho 🙁 stressed today & very nevous for tomorrow all you ladies seem so confident which has helped me a little reading all you comments 🙂 xxx Lou

    Samantha 1

    Its defiantly possible hun. I was a 32c/ 34a I now wear a 32gg/34f! I’m the same height as you, and around 10st. At the end of the day, as long as you are doing it for yourself and you think it’ll make you feel better and your life better, go for it. It’s normal to be nervous, but you’ll be fine. Everyone at MYA are lovely 🙂 xx


    Thanks Samantha. Ive been so worried asking for a dd just for the surgeon to say no way your too small lol Im deffo doing it for my self, ive been thinking about it for so many years just need to go for it i think im such a chicken. Do you know what size a dd cup is ? im not sure about the cc sizes ? Is that you in pic? your boobs look amazing you must be over the moon how long ago did you get them done? xx

    Samantha 1

    Defiantly just go for it. Its around 150cc per cup size, but if you want to look a dd then you’ll probably want to go bigger. As everyone will tell you that implant measure bigger than they look. I had 550 coming up to 9 weeks ago and I’d say I look a dd/e. Yes that’s me lol and thank you 🙂 xx

    Danielle 2

    I’m a size 10 9st5lb was 34a n had 450cc to got to DD xxx

    Laura 13

    Im 5ft 4 and 8.5 stone I was a 32A and had 325 unders I am now a 32DD/E


    Thanks girls have you got any pics please ? can i add you xx

    Laura 13

    Yes I have pics, feel free to take a look at them. I have accept your add.

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