34a to 375cc HP unders – 7 days post op (a frank and honest diary). Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I was originally cancelled for my op on 11th July due to an accident in surgery. This was taken quite badly by myself and my hubby as we had travelled 127 miles to Preston to only find out upon arrival ?

    I returned on 14th July with an 11am admission time and a promised priority surgery slot. I was finally taken down to surgery at 5:20pm! As you can all imagine, I was grouchy from hunger and dehydration. I can’t fault the nurses one bit. Each member of staff at the First Trust Hospital, Preston did everything possible to pacify me and make me comfortable. I was provided with paper pants, gown, stockings (awkward to put on) and a sheet for me to complete for my post op meal (pic attached)

    I briefly met Mr Mounir who drew on me and assured me everything would be fine. I watched t.v most of the afternoon in a nd out of napping (on my side, making the lost of it ?)

    Going down to surgery was daunting as you walk down (slippers required) but the anaesthetist was kind and chatty and made me feel at ease.

    Next thing I new I was being gently shuffled onto my bed back in my private room ?

    The pain was so minimal I woke unawares as to what was going on and had more concern that my ugg slippers had made it back with me ?

    My sandwich arrived and left a lot to be desired and my drink was forgotten. I was glad to wake wihout strapping and drains. Mr Mounir came in to ensure i was happy and soon left.At approx 8:30pm I received my medication and was helped to dress. I left at 9:35pm and arrived home just after midnight.

    Day 1 post op:
    Medication: Amoxiclav, Co-codamol, Ibruprofen, Senna and Arnica.
    Meals: Cereal, chicken in pitta, pizza
    Pain: 4/10
    Mobility: Good
    Toilet: Nope
    Sleep: Woke up once, tried to turn on my side (OUCH).
    Bruising: None

    Day 2 post op:
    Medication: Amoxiclav, Co-codamol, Ibruprofen, Senna and Arnica
    Meals: toast, soup, lasagne
    Pain: 5/10
    Mobility: Good
    Toilet: Nope
    Sleep: Ok, enough to get by but waking as soon as my meds run out to top up ?
    Bruising: around right breast, purple in colour and tender.

    Day 3 post op:
    Medication: Amoxiclav, Co-codamol or Paracetamol, Ibruprofen, Senna and Laxido. Arnica.
    Meals: Toast, chicken salad, sausage casserole, cream cake
    pain: 5/10
    Mobility: Fair – can’t lift arms, twist or lean forward. Have to get out of bed aided.
    Toilet: Nope
    Sleep: Ok, still waking every three hours as meds start running out. Making me feel groggy. Constipation and bloated around tummy and hips.
    Bruising: Completely black all around right breast and down ribs to my hips.

    Day 4 post op:
    Meals: Fruit, Cereal, Toast
    Medication: Amoxiclav, Co-codamol or Paracetamol, Ibruprofen, Senna and Laxido. Arnica.
    Pain: 6/10
    Mobility: Very little,cannot twist, lift arms, scratch back get up/sit down unaided.
    Toilet: Nope
    Sleep: Terrible, cannot get comfy at all. Stacking meds to see me through the night. Terrible headache and heavy feeling in my wrists. The weather hasn’t helped either.
    Bruising: Started on left breast now, purple in colour and tender. Still constipated and very very bloated.

    Day 5 post op:
    Meals: Fruit and warm milk, Cereal, Fresh Fruit.
    Medication: Amoxiclav, Co-codamol, Ibruprofen, Senna and Paracetamol. Laxido. Arnica.
    Pain: 9/10
    Mobility: Almost zero. Cannot even lift the kettle. Cannot sit forward, sit back, dress or reach for things unaided. Requiring someone to be here all day to help ?
    Toilet: Nope
    Sleep: Broken night. Bad headache. Cannot get comfy at all. Meds not really touching the pain. Bloated and fed up with the constipation.
    Bruising: Black on both sides right down my ribs. Tender to touch.

    Day 6 post op:
    Meals: Prunes, Rhubarb (gross) and anything that should help me go to the loo. No actual meals. Feel bloated and tired and extremely downhearted.
    Medication: Amoxiclav, Co-codamol or Paracetamol with Ibruprofen, Senna, Laxido and Arnica.
    Pain: 9/10
    Mobility: Almost none, no change
    Toilet: Nope
    Sleep: 2 Hours. Using ice packs to numb the area under my arms and trying not to use co-codamol as much as this is constipating me.
    Bruising: Severe. Black around both breasts and in the middle on my chest bone.

    Day 7 post op:
    Meals: Fresh fruit, spaghetti on toast, fajitas, cheesecake (to celebrate going to the loo)
    Medication: Amoxiclav, Paracetamol, Ibruprofen, Senna and Laxido, Arnica.
    Pain: 7/10
    Mobility: Better
    Toilet: YES ??
    Sleep: Terrible again last night. Headache, cannot get comfortable, Meds wearing off too soon, ice packs are easing the pain a little but the constipation is so painful ?however since going to the loo the headache has disappeared miraculously.
    Bruising: No change, still black but less tender.

    I would recommend to anyone having this surgery to read the stories of people like myself thoroughly to try and prepare themselves for the roller coaster of emotions and pain they will encounter in just a week!

    This forum has helped me tremendously and I have got a lot of comfort from it in my days post op.

    The constipation has made it even worse for myself as I haven’t wanted to go anywhere or even drink anything whilst feeling so sluggish ?

    I’d recommend you purchase a telescopic back scratcher as this has been a god send to me this week. The heat hasn’t been the easiest thing to cope with anyway so I’ve literally been sat under a table fan crying and wondering if I’ll make it through the week!

    All in all, I’m happy I went through with the surgery and I’m excited about the changes I will see over the next few months with my new perky boobs.

    I hope my story is beneficial to you and if you have any questions, feel free to message me.

    Much love, G xxx


    Bloody thing isn’t letting gme upload pictures ?


    Hey Gemma

    Thanks for this honest account! Always great to hear a detailed timeline. I am day 3 post op (second surgery) 440 cc under and have been in horrific pain. Also unable to go to the toilet and at this point my belly looks like i’m due quadruplets! Feeling down in the dumps, grimy and bored out of my mind! Sending you positive healing energy 🙂 XX

    L87 78

    Thank you for this, it’s very nice to read. I’m booked for a months time and sooo nervous and I’m worried I’ll have days when I regret it but you seem to think it’s still worth it?! Which is good to know 🙂 Happy healing xx ps do you have pics?


    Hi Girls ?

    I’m struggling to upload them on this thread but I’ve got them all on my profile and you are free to browse.

    Thank you for the kind messages. It’s definitely worth while. You just have to remember the end goal. If you want it bad enough and for long enough, I think a week is a good sacrifice.

    Not saying that I’ve not wanted to rip them out at times as I definitely have ? but even now just going the loo has changed my mood 100% haha.

    Hang in there if you have just had it done and research what you can if you are about to have it done. It’s best to have all the info and be under no illusion of the agony you are going to experience.


    Kim 21

    Hi Gemma,thanks very much for this .I find it useful .I have similar status like you and am thinking of going for 375cc .do you find it smaller or bigger than what you expected ? And what sizes were you offered ? X Kim


    Hi Kim,

    I’m surprised how big they are from the side. They don’t look much from the front at the moment but compared to what I had before (nothing) it’s a huge improvement.

    I first met with Mr Kazzazi and he offered me 275 max which disappointed me so I decided to shop around and meet with other surgeons and finally chose Mr Mounir who offered 300, 325, 350 and 375.

    On the day he said let’s go for it and put the 375 in, you deserve beautiful boobies and I’m the man for the job ?

    He says I should achieve a D/DD depending on where I shop when they have dropped and fluffed. I’d be happy with a C to be honest but anything above is a bonus

    Currently in a 36 EE sports bra xx


    Yes, the sizing is stressful I agree but I’m 100% confident that I have had the correct size. Don’t get my wrong had I have been offered 400 I’d have been delighted but any larger and I’d have turned them down.

    You have to think about what you realistically want to achieve and not get greedy (easily said I know)…. why don’t you see one more surgeon before you finalise? If you’re that unsure that’s what I would do as it’s a lot of money to spend to be unhappy with your end result.

    Your Surgeon really does know best babs. Everyone on here has the same worry in the weeks approaching their op…

    What kind of look do you want? Can you liken it to a celebrity? That’s what Mounir asked me ? xx

    Kim 21

    Oh no,I would just like it proportion to my frame .I hope to achieve a full C or D .I thought about having BA for at least 8 years and I am finally brave enough to do it .I am fed up of not being able to wear nice clothes/dresses as worrying showing my padded bras …This would help to increase my confidence sufficiently …Please keep us up to date with your progress ,Gemma …Thanks ! xx


    Hi, Gemma!
    Thank you so much for sharing this. It is so nice to hear realistic recovery stories and I hope yours only gets better.
    Congratulations on your successful trip to the loo! I can’t imagine how much that must’ve drove you crazy! Maybe I will know first hand soon though, as my op is in 11 days!
    I am quite prepared to be miserable for a week or two…hopefully it’ll make me happy in the long run!
    All the best lovely! x

    Nikki 22

    Hi Gemma, congratulations on your new boobies. Loved your update and had a few little chuckles as I read through it. I could really relate to all of it. I too was at Preston on 14th with Dr Mounir. I had an uplift as well as 325 implants. I felt miraculously well for the first 3 or 4 days and from then on in my recovery in terms of soreness, bruising, mobility – basically everything went down hill. The pain still wasn’t as bad as I was expecting but got worse none the less. As for the bloating and constipation – that I wasn’t really prepared for, especially the severity of it. My tummy stuck out further than my new boobs! Thankfully things are improving today, had my post op review and all is good and the bloating seems to be reducing quite a lot (probably due to finally going to the toilet – several times after a wee of not st all). Xx

    Angie 26

    Hi Gemma thank you for an open & honest account of your recovery, good to know what to expect!!! Luckily CoCodamol doesn’t affect me and I am having Sedation rather than GA so hopefully won’t get horrid side effects of that… I am glad you still think it’s worth it even after all the disappointment of being cancelled. I have sent a friend request as I would like to follow your progress Congratulations on your new boobs ??xx


    Hello ladies!

    Quick update for you all, I’m out of the woods! Pain level is zero, they are soft and more boob like and I feel human again. This time two weeks ago, I was in such pain and so uncomfortable and now it’s as if the pain never existed.

    I had to wait two weeks for showers due to my excessive bruising. The first shower was heaven! I was in there that long my hubby was concerned. This in itself has been so good for my mental state as I’m a two shower a day kinda girl.

    I had a couple of days in the second week where I worried they weren’t big. Then I looked at my before pictures and it cheered me up so I’d recommend to do this if you do have doubts.

    There’s loads of people whittling on whether to have implants with as little difference as 25cc! Remember it’s only one SIXTH of a cup size, it’s really such a small amount that I wouldn’t lose sleep over it. The surgeon knows best.

    Happy planning to all of you who are pre-op and happy healing to all who are post surgery ?
    It’s worth it, I promise xx

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