375cc under??? Started by: Alexsandra Scarp

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    My surgery is on June 7th, and I haven’t decided how big I want to go! My dr told me I can choose between 305-410. I was planning 350cc, but after of being too small I changed it to 375cc. I’m 5’3 – 116lb. Help me please! I would love to see before and after photos!!! Ps: I’ve never been so excited in my whole life

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    Hey, I’m having 350 mod plus unders, I’m 5ft4 and about 135lbs. Everyone is so different, I’ve seen some girls on here get measured an F and some measured a C. Everyone seems to say ‘go with the biggest you are offered’ but I think you know when you try the right size on. I got offered 400cc but they felt too big for me, really does depend on what you want x

    Rebekah 174

    Hey hun I got 365cc which wouldn’t be no diffrent really once they are in, I’m 5”1 7stone7 .. 350-375 is only 25cc difference cc is the same as ml so it’s basically like a shot glass difference I was 32a before now I’m measuring 32dd at Anne summers and a 30F at Boux Avenue xxx

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    Rebekah 174

    My before and after xxx

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    Omg @Rebekah they look great!!!! You have the exactly the look I want! Thanks, I will keep you guys post with my decision and after BA. Xxx

    Rebekah 174

    Thankyou !! Yes defiantly keep up updated good luck 🙂 xxx

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