4 days PO – not going well Started by: Jess

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  • Jess 4

    Had my op Friday and I’m really struggling – developed a chest infection to top it all off. My heart keeps beating really fast, I’m going really light headed and feeling dizzy and out of breath every time I move 🙁 feel so down can’t do anything.

    Cath 5

    Jess, don’t mess around contact your GP and get checked, you could well have an infection that has spread from your chest. It also sounds like you have a temperature. Plenty of fluids and paracetamol, call your nurse … But definitely get an appt with your GP just to be on the safe side. Xx

    L87 78

    I agree with above- get medical advice ASAP! An infection could be very serious. Hope you are ok! X

    Jess 4

    @cath @lucy – hi girls, spoke to nurse yesterday – suggested having the bandages cut – did that and I feel 1000 times better! The antibiotics have stopped the chest infection and spoken to GP. One more full day til I get to see them! X X x

    Cath 5

    Hi Jess, hope that all is ok and you’re feeling much better today xx hoping that you get the results you wanted when you see the nurse xx

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