4 weeks post op-shooting pain/pulled muscle Started by: Laura Fleming

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    Hi all
    I was just wondering whether anybody else post op has experienced the same as me. Im 4 weeks post op tomorrow and the past two days I have had a shooting pain from the back of my left boob to my nipple and then today it feels like i have pulled a muscle as every little movement hurts like laughing, putting my hands up to wash my hair etc.
    It feels the same as the right one and they are both definitely softer now and not as hard but terrified of that CC.
    I rang the clinic this morning for a nurse to ring me back to discuss but still waiting! I’ll chase them tomorrow but was just interested if anyone else had experienced it and is it normal 4 weeks post op.

    Danielle 131

    @lauraf Hi hun, I’m 4 weeks tomorrow too 🙂

    I’ve had the odd shooting pain here and there but nothing major. I do have pulling in my right though at first I thought it was because I had a plaster over the incision and it was that pulling when I lifted my arms but it continued when I had the plaster off. There no pain in it though.

    Definitely make sure you speak to a nurse because I’m not sure you should be experiencing so much pain at 4 weeks.



    Exactly, im 4 weeks now, this cant be normal 🙁 although it does look and feel normal! Maybe ive over done it without realising and pulled a muscle. I have gone back to lifting things like shopping etc and reaching up so maybe it was too soon. All bloody speculation! Hope the nurse will know as I dont see my surgeon again now until 12 weeks so if there is something wrong I want it sorting now!! Thanks for replying xx

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