400cc overs high profile progress please talk to me iim feeling boobie blues! Started by: Sheree

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  • Sheree 5

    I’m 6 dpo I’m feeling a bit down about my implants, I’m aware is so early on, I woke up today and I noticed my nipples are are sore, I’m happy about this as the feeling in my nipples feels so much better. Want to just get some reassurance from some girls that have had the same procedure please. X

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    Kristy 44

    I haven’t been through it yet but wanted to say something as you sound so down! x

    I’ve always red that its going to be a roller-coaster relationship of hate and love with my implants post op. (I’m getting 400cc tomorrow.) I am trying to remind myself that they will be so squished and small like everyone else’s during those first few weeks maybe even month + post op. The waiting game for the holy grail that is the drop and fluff doesn’t seem to be a fun one but as everyone goes through it at least you’re not alone.

    I hope you get an answer from someone experienced, just didn’t want to scroll by without trying to reassure you somehow – they look great by the way xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Kristy 44.
    Sheree 5

    Thank you, I’m so appreciative that you took the time to answer me. Good look with your procedure. I’m so happy I did it and I don’t regret my operation, I know it’s probably just me being impatient as it’s only been 6 days. Thank you again for talking to me xx

    Kristy 44

    No problem @reeri30 , I’m pretty sure I may yell at mine post op to “drop and fluff already” lol xx

    Sheree 5

    Yh just frustrating, after waiting 16 years I’m sure I can wait 6 weeks more to start seeing my results fully. Thank you again ?

    Marilyn 34

    Hi sheree I’m day 6 today aswell but I’ve had 375 partials. Just wanted to say ur results look amazing!! I know recovery is a pain I still get stinging/tightness and weird sore nipples I’ve tried putting cotton wool over them it helped a bit and mine r still very high up. All I can say is the drop and fluff process will happen I keep looking at other ppls progress pics and think that will happen to me eventually. What size where you before? Happy healing. Enjoy them as they change every day xx

    Sheree 5

    Hi ?? I was 36B before!! I can’t wait to be measured and find out what cup size I am. It’s a very slow process, I’ve seen a massive difference from day one. And thank you for your kind words. I’m being so impatient, but I’m happy seeing other people’s results not spoke to anyone’s thats had 400cc but from what I’ve seen they outcome is DD/E cup so exciting to think I will have what I’ve always wanted. What size were you pre op!? Happy healing to you too, I’m back at work Monday so I’ll be preoccupied then as I feel at home I’m tempted to keep looking at them!! Have you started massaging them? X

    Marilyn 34

    I know Im excited for that but I think il wait til the 6 week mark. Are you also finding the macom uncomfortable? I think half the problem is the material of them it seems to rub and irritate. Tempted to change and try different ones ?. You should defo at least be a DD but I think ul be bigger especially with overs. I was a 32b an empty b so not sure what size il end up. As I’ve had basically unders I haven’t seen much change to be honest I had ultra high profile too so they haven’t dropped much. Do you feel ready for work? I’m worried I might have to go off sick I find myself tiring easily still napping and not moving arms as much. And the backache ? its worse than the boobache now. No I haven’t touched them I might ask at my post opp Monday if she thinks it’s a good idea mine don’t feel settled enough yet its like they will drop through the Incsions if I touch them ?xx

    Sheree 5

    The bras are rather uncomfortable I’m tempted to try another type it’s the material

    Sheree 5

    I definitely won’t be getting measured until 6-8 weeks po. I hope I get a decent cup size, I’m seeing a lot of difference with the photos I’ve taken. Hard to see a change just looking at them everyday. I’m board at home and as I work in an office I feel I’ll be fine. I was amazed how quickly I was able to stop taking the pain relief, and I’ve been mobile since day one. I think from what you have told me your operation was more intrusive and when they cut into the muscle the recovery is slower and more painful, have patience and make sure your drinking plenty and taking painkillers. My implants are round high profile and as they are overs I know the recovery is quicker, but still have to wait for them to settle an I can’t bloody wait. I’ve been massaging couple of mins 3 times a day my papers from Preston hospital say to start from 2nd to 3rd day if you can manage it, but it states 5 to 10 mins and still to tight for that at the moment. Xx

    Clair Abbott 34

    Hi girls. I had my initial surgery on 23 November. Unfortunately I had to have the right one removed at six weeks. I am having it replaced on Friday. The left I’m plant is now soft and lovely. Patience is a virtue with this type of thing. Remember your very early on in the process x


    I had 400cc high profile overs I’ve attached my progress pics they honestly change soooo much I didn’t like mine at first but now I love them that they’ve dropped and fluffed I’m 7 months post x

    Sheree 5

    Thank you girls for the support, sorry to hear you had to have an implant removed Clair, hope all goes well for you. I was happy when I saw them this morning they looked so big, ive made sure to take a picture everyday so I can see the progress. I’m back at work tomorrow couldn’t stand a second week board out of my head!! ? Heather your breasts look great so excited to see how mine are in 6 weeks such a journey!

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Sheree 5.
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    Jay 3

    They look amazing! I had mine done yesterday, they’re strapped up at the moment but if they look anything like this I’d be soo happy xxxx

    JessP 6

    They look great! I had mine done 16th March – they’re still swollen and not looking very “boobie” like. I was completely flat to begin with so I assume as my skin stretches over time they’ll drop and become much more natural. @reeri30 what massaging have you been told to do? I was told to do any but curious if I should be?! My boobs are still very tender to touch so I dont know if I could manage massaging…

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by JessP 6.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by JessP 6.
    Sheree 5

    Awwww ? thank you jade ? makes me happy to know people think they look good! I battled for years feeling horrible about my breasts upset, embarrassed even. And I couldn’t bring myself to wear certain things. Jessp Thank you ?? yours are going to look amazing MYA surgeons are artists and they do make them look so natural, I can’t wait for them to settle! Only 8 days today. I’ve been pushing them together and slightly squeezing them but very very gently! I was able to do this from the 3rd day and have felt like it has helped ?

    Sheree 5

    Number 10 on my post operative instructions

    Sheree 5

    9 days today and my breast are dropping an fluffing nicely ?? so happy x

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