400cc under or over?? Started by: Kelly

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  • Kelly 8

    Which do I pick?
    It’s doing my head in looking at all these boobs as i like the natural look and some you can’t even tell are over. I have 4 kids so recovery time and feeling on top form is a major issue. I have 2 week with help. I am also scared
    Did anybody come straight home as ive never stayed away from kids. Ops 2 weeks 2day.

    What do I pack other then bra and comfy pjs.


    I did over as they said less likely to sag so will last longer potentially not have to be re done if no significant weight gain loss. Also for more natural look. Completely personal. I also didn’t have enough breast tissue to cover for overs but would have always gone for unders. I have 2 young children and other than the first few days managed ok with a few adjustments. Just packs pj’s, bra and deodorant, wash bag things and phone charger 🙂

    Kelly 8

    Thankyou. ????

    Kelly 8

    Sorry about the question marks was supposed to be an emoji x

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