7th November ladies.. Started by: LC86

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  • LC86

    hi all,

    how are you doing? I’m feeling fine apart from this strapping, was close to cutting it off myself last night. so itchy and making me sore around the edges. also, ended up sleeping on my side during the night as was the only way i could get back to sleep..

    hope you are all healing well, can’t wait to see my new boobs!!


    Hi, yeah the strapping is awful, and I’m blaming it for making them feel so tight at the minute too. My itching has eased a bit thank god as it was making me want to rip it off too. Am really looking forward to Thursday check up and hope they take it off. It still just feels so weird that they are there and I keep doubting it incase they look too big. I went 350 hp so they shouldn’t be they just feel so odd at the moment xx


    I’m hoping mine look bigger once strapping is off, very squished at the moment lol. didn’t realise you could have strapping off before a week, might see if i can get earlier appointment! x


    So we’re 5 days post op and im IN LOVE. No pain what so ever, although the itching is getting rather annoying now!! i have my post op on thurs so i’m hoping they’ll take my plaster thingys off (i did not have any strapping just sports bra). One thing that is concerning me (only slightly) is that they might get smaller 🙁 I love them as they are, and i don’t want them to drop too much or the swelling to go down! Mine were overs and i had a lot of lose skin so straight away mine felt like they were in place, so natural and not high at all. So i’m crossing my fingers that they stay just as beautiful as they are. i LOVE THEM.


    haha Rhi, aww i’m so jealous that you can see yours.. glad you love them.. i do love knowing they are there. managed to take a sneaky pic down the strapping earlier and the cleavage is amazing.. best thing I’ve ever done x


    HAHA, oh it’s defo the best thing i’ve ever done 2. I look back at old pics and feel so sorry for myself. I’d convinced myself that i didn’t need it doing, that my husband loved me for who I was, bla bla bla. But now i literally walk with my head held high. Please keep me updated with your progress, i’m certain you will be over the moon. Sooooooo excited for you eeeekkkkk. xxxxx


    I’m feeling really good I have to say. I’m taking less painkillers today so have found that I’m actually quite sore around my incisions. Also this is the first say Ive spent just laying in bed so when I get up I’m feeling the heaviness. Also feeling a tiny bit sick but actually think it’s more down to the fact I came on Saturday morning. WORST timing but to be fair I was so worried it wod be on the Friday. Have been really horrifically constipated too ( too much info) and I really wish I had taken it more seriously before hand when people said it’s bad haha. Seem way better today now!

    Tomorrow I’m planning on going out for some food and to the cinema which I’m looking forward to. Getting a bit of cabin fever! I was at Costa Saturday morning haha.

    Going to attempt a hair wash tonight but will need to see if I can stand being bent over. It seems ok whilst I’m holding onto them!

    What size did you guys have? Really hoping mine are bigger after the strapping comes off.

    It’s my two year anniversary today and asked my PC if I could have a couple of glasses of prosecco. She said whilst it’s not advised to have a drink for two weeks one or two will be fine I just can’t go mad and need to be careful. What do you ladies think??


    I stopped the painkillers on sunday and the bloody itching began (coincidence) so bloody annoying. But no pain what so ever. i did btw stay in bed basically for 3 days with very little movement…only going down for dinner or to watch a bit of tv etc. Washed my hair over a bath on Sun (A friend washed it for me) I held on to the boobies and it was fine.

    You though you had too much info…. (PLEASE SKIP IF squeamish haha) I was soooo bloody constipated then last night i bought a massive dominos pizza order (quite spicy pizzas) ate loads and i have had 2 no:2’s today…Maybe thanks to the Dominos?

    Personally i would probably skip the drink until you have finished your antibiotics, as they do not work together, unless you miss them for tonight and re start the course tomorrow. People have done a lot worse i’m sure! I for one have been smoking about 3 a day (not recommended) So do what you feel comfortable. if the moment takes you this eve have 1 but if you feel like you could skip it and celebrate next week instead it would probably be best 🙂


    haha i had a dominos to speed up the process too, definitely helped, i felt so bloated!! i would have a glass and see how you feel, you might find you feel quite tipsy off the one due to antibiotics, cheap date lol. i had 450cc partials, hoping to be 34dd when measured. i mainly had op to fill my boobs out after having my kiddies. I’m still taking the codeine but only at night to help me sleep because of the itching. only pain i have is around the incision and its more discomfort than pain really. i just had my hairdresser over to wash my hair, feel so much fresher now! my boobs are aching a bit, i haven’t really taken it easy and still been trying to clean etc so my husband has shouted at me for doing too much, oops.. am therefore sat on sofa all day today. i definitely have cabin fever, really miss not being able to drive. I’m due on period this week so I’m more irritable than normal anyway lol. xx


    Ive been drinking loads of strong coffee and eating fibre. It was genuinely the worst pain ever haha. Feel so much better! Im definitely going to make sure I warn ANY girls about that now because before yesterday I hadnt been since Thursday and I actually think that properly contributed to me feeling really rubbish!!

    I think its good Ive spent today in bed, I wasnt exactly going mad on saturday and sunday but realistically shouldve just spent it on the sofa. One ting Ive found is that I get VERY tired VERY quickly. Like I feel that Ill do something and go down to 1% battery, then sleep for 30 mins and feel recharged. Was just watching a film last night and couldve easily fallen alseep sitting up if Id just shut my eyes!

    Will see how I feel tonight, I think I will give it a miss to be honest!

    Itching is starting to kick up again, killleRRR!!!x


    One thing Im loving doing at the moment is cushioning my chin between my boobs haha! Not for any reason, just because I can!!x


    hahaha same!! yeh i find i go from feeling top of the world to asleep in seconds during the day lol, I’m definitely making the most of being able to nap! have a lovely night whatever you decide to do hun, i can’t wait to have a little drink x


    Aww thanks and you. Great post by the way. Lovely to see how we are all recovering and that we all seem to be doing the same which is reassuring x


    these posts are the only thing keeping me sane at the moment!! haha.. i look forward to seeing everyones pics now x


    Added a few in my strapping!x


    Yeah I’m not in pain any more yo be pair but still taking paracetamol as it’s the only thing keeping the itchy soreness at bay.
    I have realistically been way too active I feel think not really spent a huge amount of time doing nothing except for evenings so I hope all stitches are ok! I hope I would know if I’d done too much as I still think I’ve been v careful, am also super tired and feel my batteries need a serious recharge so going to try and get some well deserved rest over the next few days.
    Convincing myself that myself the large white strapping is making boobs look bigger as I look down so looking forward to just flesh! Xx


    I’m thinking of switching to paracetamol now.. see how i get on with that. hard to just sit around and do nothing isn’t it but i suppose we should just enjoy it! xx


    I know, but my 2 girlies don’t let it happen that easily!,
    I was only given paracetamol and ibuprofen!! What did everybody else get? X


    Aw I have two girls today.. I was given co-codamol.. Xx


    Only a couple of ibuprofen today and actually feel the best I have so far. Really looking forward to nurse check up Tomoz morning, get this strapping off! Just a shower would be lovely x


    I bet you’re so excited to be able to wash properly lol.. I’ve felt awful today.. They’re really aching, sort of pain like when your milk comes in after having a baby.. Can’t complain though, I have big boobs haha.. Let us know how you get on hun xx


    I was so uncomfortable last night that I called this morning and arranged to have my strapping off today instead of tomorrow! Have added a few pictures.. Please ignore the bruising. Had 2 sores aswell where the strapping had cut into me so they’ve been cleaned and fresh plasters put on them. Was amazing to have a shower.. All in all I’m feeling great!! 🙂


    I am soooooo excited for tomorrow!!! Have a few sores I can see. The itching hasn’t been too bad for me in general but I have been achey still especially in the mornings x


    Oh my god they look amazing!!!x


    Thank you.. Really pleased considering it’s only 6 days since op.. Already wishing I’d gone a bit bigger though lol. Good luck for tomorrow xx


    Boob Greeeed! I wish I went up to 800cc too. BUT I’m thinking of practical things like back ache clothes fitting etc. I hope mine look how I have in mind haha. I just want them to be even. That’s my main thing x


    Haha I know.. I just love that even with my bra off they stay put lol.. Yeh I think if I’d gone bigger they wouldn’t have looked right on me.. Maybe in a few years haha. I’m sure you’ll love them! x


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    What did they say to you about showering? Did they say that you could shower or you have to wait?x


    she said i could shower straight away as the wound had healed lovely.. never enjoyed a shower so much in my life haha x


    Jealous! I have to wait until Monday to shower. All strapping off thank god but just steri strips over incisions for a couple more days. I’m starting to adjust to the look of them, I think it was post surgery bloat making me feel worse. Looking forward to them settling though, will post more pics soon xx


    Aw no Jenni! Will soon be here lol. I know, I find it so strange ever time I take my top off lol. Can’t wait until bruising has gone so I can take proper pics to show off haha.. Glad the bloating wasn’t just me!! x

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