Advice!!!! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    So I have two jobs and have informed my first job that I am booking holidays off but haven’t told them why I’m taking it off. Now at my second jobs its more harder for me to ask for holidays as I’m there for two days and feel so guilty for requesting that I need to take it off. I have only taken one days off from the second job (including with my first job so I’m total I have taken 6 days off but was requested to my nurse for take 7days off). The problem is I don’t know what to say to my manager at the second Job why I should take an extra day off and don’t know what to say. They also dont know why I am taking the days off. Please help with what I sould do or say. I work in a office so I’m pretty much on my bum and not doing much xxxx

    Cheynne 18

    I think you should tell your boss at your second job- Just say your having surgery you don’t need to tell her what sort. Thats all i said to my boss and she said its fine. xxxx

    Alex 119

    I’ve just told my manager I’m having surgery and need two weeks off and there were no more questions asked. I normally wouldn’t have given a reason for why I needed holidays but I just wanted to make sure I definitely got them. Hope you sort it out flower xox


    Thank you ladies I will deffo let them know I’m going jn for surgery. Thank you lovelies xxx

    Alex 119

    No bother flower, hope you get sorted. We’ve got enough to stress over before surgery without worrying about holidays too xox

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