Advice on re op from 380cc partials Started by: fairyxx

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  • fairyxx

    Hi everyone

    I haven’t been on here in ages!! In march 2011 I had 380 HP partials from completely flat. I had my op with Mr Traynor and at the time that was the biggest I could go.

    I now looking to get them bigger maybe next year and was wondering if anyone had any pictures or advice on how big they went .

    I want to stay natural looking but want to have cleavage without a bra.

    Thinking about going in the 600’s this time but worry it won’t make much difference and I’ll be disappointed

    Help xxxx

    Trace 158

    Oh my god I remember you from yeeeears ago, how are you?! I was on here back then as I was going to have a BA but was told if I wanted to have a baby within 12 months to wait – so here I am again!

    I’m having 650hp partials – what size are you now hun? xx


    Tracey!! Wow man’ hahah!! How are you?!
    I’m a 30f hun but look more like a B cup I think!! I just really want bigger. Not the surgeons fault as that’s the biggest he could take me at the time I was sooooo flat’, sure some boys have bigger than I did!!
    Let me know how your op goes! I want at least 650Hp partials as think I will probably have to go near double the size to make any improvement.
    What size are you now? Xxx

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