All done – 325HP Kazzazi Started by: alex

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  • alex 7

    Hi girls,

    Just got home from my op in Doncaster with Kazazzi. I had 325 HP unders.
    Feeling a bit achy tbh, most girls say the first day is fine but i am dreading the next two. if they are meant to be worse.
    Admission time was 9, was down in theatre about 10 and out of the clinic about 2.
    All the staff there were brilliant. Can’t fault any of them.
    When I came round I did feel a bit woozy and dont know what I was talking about but come around now. Now I’m home just going to chill out on my V pillow and watch films.. Will upload pics so you can see x

    alex 7

    Here’s my before and afters x

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    Rosie 29

    Wow they look like they are going to be such a good size. What were you before if you don’t mind me asking? I am having 325cc on the 31st July. Happy healing!!! i hope you dont mind the add xx

    alex 7

    @rosieliddiardspaans I was a 30-32B before hand. Hoping to be a D. The before pic makes them look smaller than that though. No worries I accepted 🙂 thanks xx

    Rosie 29

    Yeah mine are 32B as well but sometimes an A, I want my outcome to be a D but looking on here girls that were originally an A are now DD/E!! I think your size looks really good I hope mine look like that after. There a nice size. xx

    alex 7

    It all depends. I know E sounds massive but its not about the cup size really its what proportionate to your body. I will be happy if I come out an E ahha! Where yu having them done and who with? x @rosieliddiardspaans

    mads 22

    Happy healing! I’m have Mr kazzazi on the 14th! So close, going smaller than you though I’ve gone for 250 unders – hoping to be a C.

    Emma 15

    Congratulations on your new boobies! Im glad everything went well for you! Got my op with Mr kazzazi on the 18th! Hope you don’t mind the ads!

    Happy healing! ️xx

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