Am I being unreasonable Started by: donna88

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  • donna88

    I have been with my bloke for a year this month, he lives an hour drive away so we see eachother on weekends although i’d say for the past six months its been every 2-3 weeks as he tours with his band and I have things on in different cities alot of weekendsa too.

    Anyway, it was planned that my mum would be coming to my BA with me in 9 days as he’d be on tour in europe on that date, turns out his tour has now been cancelled and he was keen to come with me to my surgery.

    Our mutual friend who lives in his area has had her boobs done, shes a good mate of mine and shes been offering advice whenever i get to see her. Anyway my bloke has spoken with her on friday evening as his mate lives as a lodger in her household.

    So yesterday i text him to see if hes definately free for my surgery so i can let my mum know and he replies “dont you think you would be better off with your mum? *mutual friend* was saying that she needed help with everything from washing and everything and she was glad it wasnt her husband there, ask her about it cause it might be more of a mum job you know what i mean. She was a bit worried that your not staying in the hospital all weekend, so am i now.”

    I also wonder when he was going to tell me if i’d not asked him yesterday?

    This is a guy that i’m really committed to, i drive to see him all the time, dont mind that i sometime only get to see him once a month and I know if he was having surgery i’d be there for him in a shot even if it did mean me sitting round in a hospital/ hotel room while he was asleep/ recovering.

    I know she’s not doing any harm but at the same time i feel like she has a better relationship with her mum, i’m not as close to my mum and my first choice is for him to be there, baring in mind this is a guy that has said he wants to spend the rest of his life with me. Guys i’ve spoken to that are in relationships have said they wouldnt even question it, they’d be there. I think i’ll only need help with washing my upper body, and even if he has got to help me wash anything else, he’s seen me naked more recently than my mum!

    He’s also annoyed the hell out of me because i do photoshoots, i won an alternative modelling contract earlier this year so partake in photoshoots that are a bit raunchy and he hates it! He isnt supportive of it whatsoever, hates the fact people we know will see these pictures etc. They’re not even nude! YET!!! he has pictures of random naked models on his phone and has recently started liking pages on facebook “finest females” “arse and t!ts” etc etc (mind you, i liked these pages on there before him so not sure if he’s just thinking its okay because of that) – I just think thats double standards, he doesn’t like me doing provocative modelling yet he’s happy to look at photos of other fetish models etc….

    He has never wanted me to get my boobs done – he says he loves me the way i am and i dont need it. I’ve explained that its something i’ve wanted for the past 7 years and its just for me…. Anyway, the times drawing closer so i’m talking about it more getting excited and nervous, and whenever i do around him he just switches off or gets grumpy!

    Even if i didnt agree with/ believe in something he was passionate about I would still be supportive for him, and happy that hes happy!

    Sorry for having a major rant guys, am on the brink of tears at the moment. So stressed! Found out on thursday i have my 6 month probation review today where they decide whether they keep me on at work…. the letter has said “it is important that you know the outcome could lead to your dismissal with the company” – i’ve basically had an unlucky run of bad injuries since starting work here which has gone over the quoted absence amounts. Wisdom tooth surgery, bad toe injury, etc etc.

    Would you all think that if a guys serious about you they should WANT to come to the surgery with you regardless of whether its a bit demanding in the sense they may have to care for you a bit?

    So sorry for ranting xx

    tashiemash 1

    he certainly wont be angry or huffy once they are in!! i had my…. fella friend try and talk me out of having them, then say go smaller!! needless to say he LOVES them, in fact loves not a strong enough word lol!! and as for the after care, honestly babe its not that bad! i think some girls do generally have a rough time afterwards but its not as bad as u think! i was bricking it thinkin omg im going to be bed ridden and wont be able to do anything….. my advice lol dont be a fairy, i could shower my lower body fine, just get some1 to lower the head for u! then things like reaching ask someone to get it! all i needed help with was little things every now and again for about 2weeks so like help with dinner prepping and cooking, some1 to do the manual cleaning like hoovering, i went dog walking every day too. and now im doing EVERYTHING myself and im 19days po.

    enjoy it babe :)

    as for the bf, hes being a twat lol sorry!! i think u need to just brush his immaturity and insecurities under the carpet for now and concentrate on u and ur new boobs! dont stress about him, he will soon see the error of his ways, and if he doesnt want to come to the hospital with u then fine screw him lol u just need some1 2help u get dressed and take ur bags.

    always have a rant on here lotz of us girls like to help!! keep ur chin up and dont stress!! uve got an immportant operation soon and u need to be in good form mentaly aswel :) not long now babe!! xxx


    Seems the man clearly has no respect for u I certainly wud not put up wi it,if e genuinely cared e wud come see u invite u on his tours etc and defo support u sound like a arse really lol xx


    Personally from what u said babe I would keep a very close eye on this

    mutual friend of yours

    sounds to me like she is tryna get him for herself!



    Its not about what your friend says she thinks would be best – its about what YOU think.

    Its YOUR relationship, YOUR body, and YOUR decision.

    Your bf needs to know when not to let your friends get involved. And you should tell him its about what you want – not what your friend thinks you should have.

    Honestly hun, I can understand your bf not wanting to get them done, he probably thinks you are perfect the way you are :) but it doesnt mean he should get grumpy over it, he should be supportive and learn that what makes you happy is what is most important. I think he is being a bit selfish :( Word him up love! xx


    Thanks for the advice girls.

    I agree with you all, i’m going to have a talk with him. Honesty is the best policy and all that… xx

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