Researching Started by: Hannah Hughes

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    I’ve had my consultations with Mya and was really happy with the service have picked Mr Mounir as the surgeon and have seen only good things about him and his work! However I’ve now come across another company who use the same implants as Mya. There Surgeons have all same qualifications if not more on some of them and there price is cheaper than Mya! I do believe you get what you pay for so am abit dubious as to why it’s so much cheaper? Anyone had any dealings or know anything about them? Thanks

    Carmen 4

    I would avoid!!! Somebody I know went there for an implant change and did the most awful job she is in right mess and having to pay out again and have them done elsewhere when everything has calmed down! They never advertise only just started seeing them up on insta when they have been running for years!! I rang them and asked a few questions and things didn’t seem right to me!! Stick with a more known company! Good luck x

    Hayley 48

    I researched them and then wasn’t happy with what I seen. I have seen Mr Traynor and I’m booked to see Mr Mounir in feb, a lot of people are getting in touch with me to say don’t go with mr mounir or Mr Traynor or in fact Mya full stop. It’s the only company I have felt comfortable with so far and felt like I’d researched them really well. So now I don’t know what to do xx

    Linsey Waite 10

    Have a shop around see what different places offer! I had breast reduction with another provider and my price was a few thousand cheaper than some MYA patients! As long as you look into whichever surgeon you end up with you should be fine wherever you choose!


    Thanks girls…. see I’ve only heard awful things about the hospital group! Everyone’s experiences are just so different aren’t they! It’s putting me off full stop as I just can’t decide who to go with! I do feel better with Mya as I’ve been for my consultation and was happy with them but then ££££ is such a big difference! I just feel like if I did go with the cheaper option it’ll be just my luck to get a botch job! Xx

    Becca 168

    I found out I could get my surgery for around £1,200 cheaper elsewhere but I just felt happy and comfortable with MYA and I was pleased with the results I had seen from other girls, so I stuck with my original plans.

    myamoderator 138


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    Love MYA Mod xx

    Kirsty 12

    Hi what company? I am torn between A different provider and MYA The other provider is cheaper but I feel the same as you you get what you pay for….

    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Kirsty 12.
    • This reply was modified 6 years ago by Kirsty 12.
    Rachhhy 6

    Hi Lovely, I was exactly the same before my BA, there were other company’s that were alot cheaper but I went with MYA on the basis that they were the most expensive so must be the best xxx

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    Becca 168

    I think you just have to go with what feels right for you, there’s no real set formula to help you decide. Have as many consultations with as many companies and as many surgeons as you need to until you feel in a position to be able to make a solid decision. It’s a big decision to make, so don’t rush yourself.

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