Anyone 32 a/b and had 350 cc Started by: Rachael

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  • Rachael 16

    Hi got my ba on the 13th Dec and just can’t decide what can to go for, I’m currently a 32 a/b cup and i want to be at least a d cup I’m struggling to choose between 325 cc which I think I might be a bit small or 350!cc which might be abit big, anyone got any before or after pics with similar stats or advice thanks xx

    Georgie 3

    I’m the same, ive been told the 350 are best but I’m seeing if I can stretch to 375. I was told that with 32a/b that 350 would make it a large C or D. Looking on here people’s look great from starting at a/b with 32’s. I went on today and they said 375 could be too much or depends on the measurements xxx

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