Anyone at first trust preston mr mounir on 16 th December?? Started by: Emma

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  • Emma

    Soo excited 🙂 xx getting closer and closer xx


    Hey Emma! That’s great news – what size are you opting for? I’m meeting Mr Mounir on the 7th, I would love my surgery to be before Christmas, but I think I’ll be looking at mid-January. I know it’s bad, but I’m reading about a lot of girls getting their ops soon and I’m getting impatient! Are you excited??


    Hi. That’s great I have seen 3 surgions and me mounir is lovely and he’s so funny he makes me feel really comfortable about it all an so I chose him, he also have me a better size than what the other surgions had suggested. Soo excited and soo nervous too got so many different emotions going on right now, boobies for Christmas yayy!! I no what you mean tho I’m such an impatient person want them done right now haha iv waited years for this and so happy it’s finally going to happen 🙂 xx


    Aw that’s great. I do hear a lot of good stuff about him, and his incisions are really neat. I like that he’s funny, I need to laugh when I feel awkward about stuff – so that’s great to hear! 🙂

    Yeah, I go through being happy that I’ve saved up, to nervous about what the results will be like, to impatient and annoyed that it’s not happening already! LOL Trying to distract myself with Christmas isn’t working! xx


    Haha yea he kept making me laugh as it is rather awkward having to take your top and bra ect off to a complete stranger haha but he made me feel so comfortable nd he made me laugh and its good to know about his neat insisions, I have seen a few pics of girls that hae had theirs done with me mounir and they look really good. I’m soo nervous but hoping I won’t be in to much pain on Christmas Day, and il finally be able to wear all those clothes I wanna wear but feel tey look silly on me. I no saving up for me has been such a pain haha not letting anything get in the way this time haha.i no I wanna no what size I’m going to end up haha but won’t find that out wen for several weeks after the op haha xx


    Aww that’s so good, he sounds lovely. I’m dying to meet him!
    Hopefully you’ll be alright, maybe a bit uncomfortable, but your painkillers should help enough that it’s ok.
    I’ve wanted this for 10 years, I’ve always been flat, but wanted my kids out the way first, so I started saving earlier this year and that’s us got all the money together now, I’m hoping that the price they give me when I meet Mr Mounir will be decent. I’m just worrying because I’m not even a 34AAA, that I might get rippling or something, but I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’m getting tired of padding my chest out with bras to get little bumps under my tops, it hurts for a start, and it’s really bulky – it’ll be so nice having real boobs! Well… real fake boobs! Lol. I will love being in summer dresses, and I’ve never worn a bikini before so that’ll be exciting! 🙂
    I feel like a girl waiting for womanhood to finally come!
    What CCs did he recommend to you?


    Haha I know exactly what you mean I’m a 32a and as I have really tight and thin skin there but he offered me the largest out of all the surgions I saw and w offered me 340cc or 380cc which should take me to a full d cup possibly small dd 🙂 xx

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