Anyone had 420 overs or similar??? Started by: Kerri Jane

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    I’m a 32aa and want to be a D/DD, Dr Singh has offered me 420 overs (have to have overs due to tubular breasts) I’m not sure if they’re going to be too big! Help please girls :)


    Hey, I’ve had 450cc overs from 34a slight tubular on 10th July. It’s hard to tell the size because of swelling but for me they are perfect! Depends on your stats though hun, your surgeon will have offered the best for you x


    Would it be okay to add you? What surgeon did you have? Xx


    Yeah no problem, I’ve accepted you! I had Dr. Chantarasak, he specialises in the natural look so I was recommended him by my PC. I don’t have any pics yet but will add some soon so u can get an idea of the results. I had very little tissue/no natural crease and very tight thick skin so they look like cones atm but dr.c said I need to patient as they will drop! X


    I was recommended Dr Singh due to his experience in tubular breasts, I have told him I want a natural look though so hopefully they will be! I’m sure they will drop and look natural soon, what size are you hoping for? X


    I’ve heard great things about Dr. Singh, I’m sure he will do an amazing job! I’m hoping to look a D, wearing a 34E at the moment as you usually measure bigger than u look and still swollen so I think I’m on the right track :) x

    staceyanne 2

    I had 410 overs from 32a and im in love with them finally, 9 days post op and there already soft n close xx

    Lauren 1

    Ive been offered 460cc or 470 if i upgrade :) and im only size 6/8 5ft9 :) want to look a DD/E xx


    Thank you girls, I’m feeling a lot more confident about it now! Even more excited :) guess you have to trust the surgeon! X


    ive had 450 overs from 32A, size 8 and i love mine, i dont think theyre to big at all! :) xx


    They aren’t too big at all they’re the perfect size, did you have overs or unders and what profile? Xx


    i had 450cc overs wearing an E atm but after swellings gone down think they will be around dd im a size 6/8 and they dont look too big xx

    libteen 2

    I had 385/415 overs due to assymetry from a small B cup, now measuring 32F 8 weeks on but they look a double d x

    natasha92 9

    hiii I have just had 415 cc overs from a 32 A and I look about a 32 DD now :). Only 2 days post op though! xx

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