Anyone had BREAST ENLARGEMENT – WITH MR MARCELLINO ? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I have finally took the plunge and booked a surgical consultation for the 11th of Feb… I just received an email from the clinic who said my it would be with Marcellino. I haven’t heard much about this surgeon and can’t find any reviews on the internet.. I am little anxious, so if any of you ladies have had your breast enlargement done by him or have even had a consultation.. Could you please let me know how it went? And if you would recommend him.

    Thank you so much xxx


    Hiya! I’m having my op with him on the 23rd feb! He was lovely at my surgical consultation! From what I’ve read and heard about him he’s superb at giving a natural look and Allways seems to get given the smaller sized patients! Good luck hope it goes well for you!


    Thanks for replying chels! I havent had an intial consultation as i live quite far from the nearest clinic so they thankfully arranged for me to have a consultation straight with the surgeon which is brilliant as it would be a nightmare coming back and fourth. With the surgical consultation do you get to try out implant sizes ect? Im a 34C at the moment hoping to go a lot larger maybe around a 34E/EE but still would like a naturalish look if that’s possile ha ha.. soo from what you have said that sounds great! Thanks for the info, i honestly can’t find any reviews, Might try searching the forum see what i can find..

    Thank you hun, good luck to you too and keep me updated! 🙂 xxx


    It’s good that they’ve done that yes you’ll get to try on a hideous bra and then try different size implants in there they will look amazing and much more realistic than you thought so you’ll ask if you can take them home with you like I did (of course they said no) lol

    I actually took a notepad with all my questions listed to my initial consultation, the lady looking after me I think she’s called a PC I can’t remember was lovely and answered all my questions and wrote all the answers down for me! X

    Sharks 149

    Hey hun. I had Mr Marcellino and am on day 12 post-op. He is a great surgeon and would highly recommend him. Add me and look at my pics to have an idea of his work. I’ve written a couple of posts about him, and also about my surgery experience, if you wanna read those as well. Happy surgeon hunting. xxx


    I cant wait im soo excited! I have quite a few questions so a notepad might be agood idea thanks chels! I have looked through the forum quite a bit so thats helped with a lot of my questions…. Ive found the surgeon part of the forum and clicked on the mr marcellino part quite afew girls have been with him and have had good results so have added them as well so hopefully theyll accpet so i can have a peek at the befores and afters 🙂

    Thanks sharks ive just added you, its helps soo much to be able to have alook at the pics.. if you dont mind me asking what size where you before? and what cc did you have?


    Sharks 149

    I was a 32A pre-op and had 425cc, which will hopefully get me to a D/DD. My boobs were naturally far apart, so am aware that implants will not do much to change this. Am just happy to have some boobs now. Mr Marcellino is amazing. xxx

    Rudi 2

    Hi girls, Im booked in to see him on the 27th feb for consultation, hope you girls dont mind me adding you as my surgery isnt until 23rd march and would like to see some of his work x

    miley 17

    I had him last Monday I have had no problems with my breast he’s really nice and I believe he’s new to may but not new to cosmetic surgery, my strapping off is Wednesday so I will try to load some pic. How ever if you look at some of my friends on here on my profile a few of them have had him to you can add some of my friends to see some of there pics xx

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