Anyone with 350cc high profile unders?? Started by: lauren

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  • lauren 5

    Hi girls! Has anyone had 350cc unders – what size were you roughly post op? Was told to get 300cc to be a d cup from a b but now thinking of going slightly bugger so I’m not disappointed with size after! 🙂 what do you recommend? 🙂

    Laura 27

    I’m getting 350cc HP unders on Friday. I’m a 32C currently. Surgeon said I’d comfortably be a DD.
    Looking at other people it’s looking I could maybe go to an E! But we’ll see. 🙂 x

    lauren 5

    Well your a cup size bigger than me to start with so maybe if I opted for a 325cc i could be a dd / full dd comfortably 🙂 thanks xx


    Im getting 350cc unders. my friend got 300cc the other days and hers are a nice size, but I want to go just that little bit bigger! xxx

    Sian 21

    I got 350 UPH partials last week with dr Singh from a 32a and hopefully will be achieving a DD…. It depends on your stats and the is visual it turns out different for everyone apparently! X

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