Anyone with 400cc – 425cc HP overs? Started by: Amber

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  • Amber 72

    Hey girls so I finally booked my op date today for the 12th of July, so excited considering I thought I was going to wait till September!
    I’m stuck on what size to go really, I am 5’8 and weight 9’2 at the moment so I am quite slim.
    I’ve been told I am having overs HP.
    I tried on the biggest size offered to me (425cc in one and 450cc in the other) and I liked what I saw but I’m not sure if it looked to big for my frame, my pc and friend said it looked great but I’m doubting it.
    So basically I’m stuck between the two, 425cc or 400cc.
    Any help would be really appreciated, thank you 🙂 xx

    alli 1

    Difference will be so minimal not even worth worrying about I would go for 425.., I went from 340 to 420 and they still look exactly the same

    Amber 72

    @allison when you tried on the sizers did they look big to you? Its hard to imagine what you’ll look like once actually in me haha x

    Nikki 38

    I’m 5ft3 and 8stone8lbs and I have just had 425cc hp overs.
    I still have strapping on (coming off tomorrow), feel free to add me and look through my photos xx

    Amber 72

    @nikki26051994 thank you hun I’ve added you 🙂 xx

    alli 1

    It looks much bigger when I tried it on but honestly no one can tell I even have them unless I’m in a bikini and I’m a size 6 and they don’t look too big so you don’t have to worry:) you can add me if you want to see pics I can’t seem to add any recent ones from the phone though. They also get smaller over the years I’ve found first year they much much bigger… I could’ve gone for 450 instead of 420 but I was worried but I realised it basically measures almost nothing different unless your a full 100 difference … Nevertheless is a change the body and you should go with what you feel although pics are much more effective than trying them on they sit so differently inside.

    Nikki 38

    I’ve accepted you. Will be uploading more pics tomorrow when strappings off xx

    Amber 72

    @allison that’s reassured me a lot thank you! how have you found your stretch marks? That’s one main concern I’ve got going so big, I’m a 34b at the moment and the last thing I want is really bad stretch marks and rippling. Are you happy with the size you chose :)? X

    nikki26051994 I’ll be checking your profile tomorrow haha, thank you! Xxx

    alli 1

    Considering I had issues with first op and had a reop, my scars are pretty good. I scar easily and my scars now are hidden after the second op they sit under the crease. I used the silicone scar gel in the beginning but I think coconut oil or Organic Shea butter you can buy on Amazon is the best! Took about a year for scars to feel more hidden. I also used sunblock and didn’t expose them to the sun for a year wore bikinis that didn’t expose them . Strongly suggest it! I will add what they look like now when I can get them uploaded ! Sucks can’t from a phone

    alli 1

    I had a micro surgeon maybe ask if your surgeon does micro stitching

    Amber 72

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    @allison thanks hun I probably will do 🙂 why did you need a re op if you don’t mind me asking? X

    loulou86 28

    I had 430/400 UHP overs . Reason for UHP is I’m losing weight so surgeon recommended to avoid rippling . X

    loulou86 28

    Feel free to add me x

    Amber 72

    @loulou86 thank you, I’ve added you 🙂 xx

    alli 1

    Needed a re-op because my implants didn’t drop :/ they were at least more than a higher than my incisions…. And I had major pain in my arm /chest. It was a bit complex but I’m glad I got the reop….

    Amber 72

    @allison Oh geez! That’s no good, did they say why they never dropped? Also did you get the choice to go bigger without having to pay extra for your re op? I’ve had a look at your pictures and they look amazing x

    alli 1

    It was recommended by surgeon to bring them down more with heavier ones! they were so high and painful as pressed on my muscles and nerves :/ … They defs moved down with the heavier size altho they actually measure the same… You have to go much bigger than what I had in size to notice a difference. I still wish they were closer together but I’m boney OK chest! If I had my own laptop I would upload pics but the man’s is away so I will do in a week… Still waiting to see a surgeon at Mya for a check coz I still have a painful right boob …. Hence why I came on forum again for a bit of a check to see how everyone else is getting on post op….

    Amber 72

    @allison I hope everything gets sorted soon & the pain stops for you. What size where you before your re op? X

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