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    Hi I’m 5ft 4, surgeon measured 32c and size 8/10
    I’ve been offered 410 450 & 485 naturelle overs. I’m really struggling as I don’t want to be huge, DD at the most!


    Hey I’m 5″6 just over 8st and size 8. I was offered 340 385 or 410 to take me to d/dd I’m a 32a at the moment. I liked the 410 when I tried them and from what over read on here most girls say to go with biggest size offered! Xx

    sophiemarie -4

    Wow 485 sounds big!
    I’m 5’5″ size 8-10
    Wear 34b but measured 32c
    Been offered 380/410

    Rinx ♥ 4

    im 5ft size 8, was a 32C before as well had 415 overs now measure a F cup but look an E cup xx


    I’m only 4ft 11 around a size 8-10.
    I’m a very small empty 34B and going to a D/DD hopefully.
    Mr Kazzazi offered me 380cc unders xx


    hi 🙂 im 5ft3 and 9.4 stones size 32B but used to be a 40 E!! (weight loss and breast feeding)….size 10 and have been offered largest 515 smallest 385? I’m going with 460CC to make me a DD/E remember they measure bigger than they look so make sure you ask to LOOK a D/DD. I asked to look a DD/E and he recommended 460cc as I have a lot of skin to fill .. whos your surgeon? xxx


    Thanks ladies. Surgeon is DR Traynor.

    I’ve been having huge wobbles but I’ve spoken to my PC this morning and I’ve now got ordered 415 and 450 naturelles (only ordered 450’s originally).

    He measured me at a C cup but I wear a 32D/DD as they are obviously padded at the moment. He said to achieve a noticeable look I’d have to go for a bigger cc as I have a lot of skin to fill. They all sound so big though as friends of mine have only had 340’s but the were naturally a lot smaller than me.

    Anyway I have made some rice ‘implants’ (advised by Dr T) and have been wearing them in a sports bra. I can still do dresses up etc.. But the dresses just look so much nicer and I feel sexier. So I am feeling a lot better and I just have to trust his judgement.


    Hi Lisa, my surgeon is Traynor too. I am also having a bit of a wobbler and feeling boob greed before ive even been operated on! im gonna ask to try on bigger tomorrow. Good luck! p.s – the rice implants, is it per gram of rice = 1 cc?? xxxx

    Sarah -2

    Hey! I’m 5ft 3 9 and a half stone size 8 and going for 485cc in my smaller boob and 450cc in my bigger boob 🙂 xxxx


    Nikki- yes that’s what I’ve measured them out at. So 450 grams for 450 implants

    Sarah- that’s what I’ve chosen too due to having odd boobs. Think we’ve discussed this ;). Have you any idea what bra size it’ll take you too?

    Just don’t want to look too big but also don’t want to regret not going bigger as everyone who chooses says they wish they’d gone bigger. I hate being the centre of attention and don’t really want people noticing too much if you get my meaning

    Sarah -2

    Oh yes so we have! I can never keep track haha! Well am thinking a 32E but I’ll look like a full DD which is what I want! What look are you going for? If you don’t want to be too big probs go for the 450cc as there in the middle! Xxx


    I think I’d like to be an E looking DD too. Yes 450 is what I’ve chosen but have to have 485 in smaller one. Just wish I don’t have to wait 7 weeks now haha. I got offered at date in feb but we go away beginning of march so no good, have to wait until 1st April. When’s your date Sarah? Xx

    Sarah -2

    Mines the 4th March so I’ll keep you updated with mine and you’ll know if you wanna change or not! Xxxx


    Thanks Sarah that’ll be helpful xx


    Hey gurls. I am havin the same dilemma! !! I think aftwr reading ur comments I am swaying to the 450:) im a 34b at mo so wot du rekon I wud achieve as mr c refuses to go by cup size:/ my ba is also on 4th march. Where r u havin urs dun sarah 😉


    Hi tasha, Dr Traynor said around 150cc is a cup size. I am really stressing I’m going to be too big as I’m already 32c and only want to be a DD really. I’ve still got 7 weeks to go! If I go with 415 that’s about 2 1/2 so should be about right for me. Argh decisions decisions. I wish he would have said I could only have one size haha.

    Sarah -2

    Hey sorry Tasha I’ve just saw this! It’s in Preston,
    I keep thinking that 485 is hugggge but technically I’m only having 450cc as that 485 is acting as a bigger implant for my smaller boob so it’ll even them out and they should look ok! I hope! I’m going back tomorrow to try them in again just to make sure! X


    Hi @Sarah, are you still set on 450/485 then or swaying bigger/smaller? I’ve been having a full on panic that I’m going to be too big. I’ve managed to get an appointment on thurs to see dr traynor again and to try implants again. It’s such a hard decision! I know you shouldn’t, but I’ve been getting hung up on what bra size ill be.

    Sarah -2

    Hey @lisa ! Yeah I’m still worried they are gonna be too big but web a tried them on a did love the shape! It’s so hard, like a did say I wanted to look like a full DD which I think I will be put a don’t wanna look too top heavy! It’s scary haha such a big decision to make! Am going back tomorrow to try them in again just to make sure! When’s your op again? Xxxxx


    I just had 450 cc 4 days ago. Obviously the strapping squashes them down a fair bit but I think they look big but not too big for my frame or anything. I was a 32b/c pre op.
    Are you having unders or overs ladies? X

    Sarah -2

    Hi Emily! How are you feeling? Would love to see your results! I’m having overs chick starting to get nervous now! Am also a 32b (small though!) xxxxx


    I’m okay thank you just sore and get tired easily. Aw don’t be nervous honestly! It’s natural to be I know but it’s absolutely fine! I was a large 32b/ small C.
    I will post a photo when the strappings removed Friday so you can have a look :).
    Even with the strapping on, I feel so much more confident! Can actually feel proper boobs haha xxx


    Hi im also a 34B Tasha, im looking to go for a D/DD but not 100% sure as im only meeting with Mr Traynor on Thursday. What did your surgeon say would be best size for you? (i have booked in for my op on 12th March as not a lot of space left).



    @sarah it is so tough and my PC just keeps saying trust Dr Traynor. I felt really happy with the look too but I’m quite shy and don’t like drawing attention to myself. I want to see a difference and feel different but not enough for people to think wow what’s she done? If you get my meaning? I would also like to fit in to my clothes but obviously fill them out a little more 🙂 My op is 1st APril so ill have you to compare too 😉

    do they look and feel very noticeably different? Mine will be overs too.


    Maybe I should stop thinking about what other people will think and go for what I feel better with lol


    Yes they do! They don’t feel ridiculous though, feel right for me and my frame. I think I could have gone a little bigger tbh but they are much much better and bigger.
    Yes you need to do what you want and feels right. Nobody else matters. It’s about your confidence x

    Sarah -2

    Aw that’s calmed me down a bit thank you Lisa! Bet you cant wait to see them! Am glad dr traynor doesn’t put strapping on them because I am far too impatient!! Am just scared incase 485 looks huge but a think it’s just me panicking cos my mam keeps saying I hope your not going too big! Worrying me cos I bet all she can imagine is that I’ll look like Katie price hahha! I cant wait to see what my body will look like either I’ll have curves to match my bottom half now! Xxxxx

    Sarah -2

    And @emily thank you!


    That’s okay :). Just don’t panic. It’s completely normal to worry a bit but you will be absolutely fine. Follow the aftercare advice given and you’ll have perfect boobies in no time and think it’s the best thing I’ve ever done!
    My mum was exactly the same. When she saw me after my surgery, she said ‘I know they are strapped up but they do look so good even in the strapping’. Everyone just imagines the worst but the surgeons are professional and wouldn’t do anything they think you’d regret/ would look completely stupid x

    Sarah -2

    Yeah I agree! Dr traynor told me not to go for the 520s as he said they would look silly on me so I think the 485s should be perfect (well I hope so) for me! But I’m going to try all sizes in tomorrow just to double check and be sure cos you see some girls on here with 415s and they are huge! And some with 460s and they look in proportion! Just want it to be right! Xxxxx

    Becky 1

    Lisa i am on 2nd april! Yay found someone near to me 🙂 I have been offered 420s but definitely booking another appt to push for at least 460/470!! xx

    tracey 2

    Im 5’4 size 6-8 top I had 365cc unders I now messure 30 e but look around a d cup… with implants u always tend to messure bigger than u look so go buy how u would like to look rather than how u messure x


    @becky yay I was struggling to find someone close to me too.

    thank you that’s helpful as I am getting a little hung up on bra size.

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