BA postponed for 4 weeks Started by: Nikki

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  • Nikki 38

    So I was meant to be having my Op on Wednesday 13th April but I shot myself in the foot and mentioned maybe taking the morning after pill. I didn’t take it because we didn’t actually have unprotected sex but I’m getting married in November so was worried, as we planned not to do it whilst I wasn’t on my pill(but we did still use a condom). Anyway, I didn’t even take the pill but now because I mentioned I may have had an ‘accident’ they’ve postponed even though there’s no chance I’m pregnant. Gutted! Spent the whole day in tears and it’s all my fault for being so anxious.
    So now I’m booked in for 11th may and for some reason I’m absolutely petrified of the whole thing! I’ve lost some confidence in MYA lately, from seeing some people’s posts and by the way they acted and spoke to me about postponing me 🙁
    Now in doubting the whole thing even though I’ve paid £2500 of it already.
    Is it worth it?
    Do you girls feel better since having it done?
    I feel so emotional about it all now 🙁

    Harriet 88

    That must be so so disappointing, is there no way you can call the nurse and really stress to her that there is absolutely no way you could be pregnant? Surely they would’ve asked you to do a test or something? On the plus side, it’s still not too long to wait – mine is on 20th May 🙂 x

    Nikki 38

    I couldn’t stress it enough! I was sobbing on the phone like a bloody baby which was embarrassing enough, I’d had an awful day and then they called to tell me that 🙁
    Apparently its policy and it has to be 4 weeks as it may not show I’m pregnant until then, when it’s actually two weeks until you can tell your pregnant.
    I just feel deflated, I was finally preparing myself in my head and then it gets pushed back. It worked out perfectly to, my 6 week heck would have been a day before my birthday, so I could wear normal bras for my birthday. Now I’ll be 2 weeks po and won’t be able to go out.
    Who’s your surgeon? I’m at Fitzroy with marcellino x

    Nikki 38

    Thank you jade! It’s good to hear your still glad you went ahead after all of that.
    I don’t know why I feel a bit let down by MYA because I do understand that it’s there policy not to go ahead ‘just incase’. To be honest I wouldn’t even want them done if I was to have another baby BUT I know I can’t be pregnant. I’m more annoyed at myself 🙁
    But what’s done is done and now it’s just another waiting game. I don’t feel it’s actually going to happen now and I barely think about it anymore, I just hope this isn’t a sign that it’ll go bad for me 🙁


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