Backache!!! Started by: Laura (@laurawight)

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    I’m 6 days post op and the backache is awful! Any tips!?
    Don’t know if it’s because I’ve not been standing completely straight or just getting used to the extra weight?
    Kills me standing for too long and sitting in a certain position though.
    Does this go with time?


    Chloe 29

    I had the same problem it does go hun, like u say your sat down a lot & it’s not the comfiest but it does get easier you still taking any pain relif? Xx


    @chloe93 yeah that’s true, it’s annoying because I’m having no pain at all other than back ache! Can’t wait till it goes
    And just Ibuprofen now. Stopped taking the cocodamol as it was making me too bloated!xx

    Chloe 29

    I was back up & about a week post op but so my backache eased off a little, everybody’s different just take it easy it will be worth it in the end 🙂 xxx


    @chloe93 yeah, it’ll be a week for me tomorrow and I’m feeling pretty much back to normal apart from the backache and it being a little uncomfortable of I move my arms too much or too suddenly
    Back at work Wednesday so hopefully being up and about a bit more will help it!
    Defintely will be worth it! Thank you!xxx

    Chloe 29

    I know it’s been the worst bit for me the backache, glad your feeling okay, I’m sure it will hun good luck with rest of your recovery 🙂 xx


    @chloe93 yeah it has for me too! Thank you and you too! 🙂 xx

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