Been a while girls…ADDED NEW PICS, 4 months PO. 470 unders with nipple lift! Started by: ginag84

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  • ginag84 1

    Not uploaded for a while as I dont tend to come on here that much anymore, its been 4 months now. I had 470 Responsives unders with a nipple lift. I had Mario Russo. I still havent seen a surgeon since the day of my op, hoping to book to see someone in August. Was a saggy 34b ish, am now a 34E in everyday clothing but am finding that 32dd gives me a nice fit if I’m looking for a bit of extra ooommmph, ha! :)Thats what size I’m wearing in my last pic of me in the orange dress! xx


    They are looking great hun :) and they look big as well :D congrats xx

    ginag84 1

    Thanks Joanna, it’s weird because I don’t think they look that big! Ha, booby greed I guess :) xx


    Hiya ginag, may i add you?

    I had 460cc unders 26 days ago from a 34b/c, no one can tell that i have had mine done and i cant tell either. The only difference is that they look wider.

    I want another op already, i feel so down with them :-(


    stuckeya -1

    Hi, I am having 470cc responsive unders. Do you mind if I add you? Ang

    ginag84 1

    Hi girls, course not, add away, you can see all my changes in the pics, they look lots better now than they did do 2 months ago. Because I had my nipples cut they looked horrid for ages. Crystal, I hated mine at first, even now it’s not obvious in clothes, but I don’t mind because when I go out and there in a good bra, they look great! I think you’ll learn to love them, honest :) try to remember what your pre op boobs looked like, that should help :) xx

    stuckeya -1

    ginag84, thanks for adding me. Have taken a look at your pics and for a while I was thinking ouch! as they looked sore and painful. Were they in fact that sore, how were you when you woke from the op and when would you say you started to feel ok? The last pic looks brill and totall different to your very first pic pre-op. Well done on having the guts to go through it. Looks like you deffo made the right decision hun. Enjoy your new boobies xx

    ginag84 1

    Thanks hun :) they have changed loads and yes they really were that sore to begin with lol. But considering the state my pre op boobs were to begin with, it was worth the pain. When I woke after the op the first thing I did was start crying lol, I don’t even no why but the nurses said it was a normal side effect of the anestheti. My chest just felt heavy and my muscles were so sore. But I’d say after one week things eased and by day 10 I was back to doing pretty much everything like washing my hair etc. It’s all totally worth it tho :) xx


    hay hun do you mind if i add you im having 450cc and nipple lift xx


    hiya hun hope you dont mind me adding you? im getting 460 unders a in 11 days! xx

    ginag84 1

    Course not ladies, I’ll add you now :) xx

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