Best day ever xxxxxxx Started by: Paige

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  • Paige 10

    So I went to sleep with a/b cup and woke up with my beautiful 425cc hp unders today.
    Could not be happier,
    So emotional!

    Before and after pic here,
    After pic is soon as I woke up about 4ish, can’t believe how quick it was!

    Dr Monier is a miracle worker xxx

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    Shan X 3

    They look great! Really nice size mine feel really small at the minute! How are you felling chick? My macom bra is so tight it’s killing me aghhh xxxx

    Paige 10

    Thank you im in love with them!
    How are you feeling?
    My macom feels fine it’s this bloody pink band that is sooooo tight! I feel like I’ve got a fat man sat on me haha! Xxxxx


    Awwh glad it all went well and you’re happy sweetie!! I’m chuffed too! My macom is tight and they feel maaaassive. The staff were so nice today ♡ loved it. Xxx

    Shan X 3

    I feel alright at times and then its just really uncomfortable, I really just wanna look at them and feel them but I have to keep this daft Macom on that really tight so I can’t see a thing hahah! Don’t know how I’m going to sleep tonight though! How’s your pain? What time did you go to theatre xxxx

    Shan X 3

    And these horrible socks aswell can I take them off or do you need them on for 24hours I really don’t know?? xxx

    Paige 10

    The nurse said she loved today because all the girls didn’t moan and were happy 😉 we must be a good gang haha xxx I went down about 3:15.
    When she put the salt water in my hand I went sooo dizzy almost fell over going to the toilet hahah!!
    Just had more painkillers it hurts to push myself to sit up!
    I’m the same just want to get naked and stare at them xxxx

    Paige 10

    Really!!! I took my socks off when I got changed.
    Them paper knickers were my highlight hahahaha !! Xxxx


    I took the socks off about an hour afterwards too 🙂 the paper pants haha so hot. They went straight in the bin, I’d rather go commando lol!

    It hurts to sit up too 🙁 I’m trying to get comfy with my v pillow but the pain and stiffness seems to be shifting further up! Grrr. Not long until we’ll all be staring at our boobs naked lol. I’ve had a few peeks… my boyfriend is obsessed!! Xxxx


    Yeah the nurses were ace, especially the older ones. I was just so giddy and excited! Lol. Probably mega annoying! Xx

    Paige 10

    Hahaha my paper pants were binned straight away too hahaha!
    I need a v pillow! I’m currently wedged in the crack of the sofa don’t want to move because it hurts!
    I think I had the same old lady she was sooo sweet!!! Xxxx

    Paige 10

    Oh no hope your feeling ok!
    Haha brilliant!
    My fella is still working on the garden so not even peeked which I’m shocked at!! Xxxx

    Shan X 3

    I really don’t know how to sleep do I have to be sat completely up, how are yous sleeping?xxx


    I’m sleeping not flat but not sat up either. Just a little bit more propped up with my V pillow. I’m still really uncomfortable and just taken some pain meds ;( ouch xxx

    Paige 10

    I slept in the ctprease of a mountain of pillows slept really well actually! Just woke up at 7 gagging for pain killers,
    This strap holding me down is the thing that hurts! And pushing myself to sit up!
    Hope your feeling better not Hayley!

    Haha Shan I think you can take your socks off now :p

    Hi Abbie yes of course! Xxx

    Paige 10

    Your request to add me disappeared so just added you Hun xxxx

    Lisa@anne 13

    Hi Paige do you mind if I add you ? It’s lovely to see someone so happy :).I would be too if mine looked that good :D.hope your healing goes well :)xx

    Lisa@anne 13

    Sorry hope you don’t mind the add 🙂 my stats are similar to yours but I’ve been recommended 275cc. I’m really considering going ahead but just worried they will still be small or look stuck on lol yours are defo neither of these things :)xx

    Paige 10

    Hi Lisa,
    It depends what size you want to go to, I mean I know that mine are still swollen and not healed, but I’m over the moon with the size, not to big, not too small and natural looking, I’m soo pleased, would deffinatly reccomend this size!!
    I was going for 400 and then decided last min for the 425- there’s not much difference between them both.
    At first he reccomended 350cc for me and when I tried them I knew they were to small for what I wanted as I wanted to be about a DD.

    Over the moon with mine though, of corse add me that’s fine 🙂 xxxxx

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