Post op Day 2 …. Bloated ? Started by: Sara

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  • Sara 23

    Hi girls,

    Been feeling really bloated since my op on Sunday. I’m thinking it’s all the codiene I’ve been having so this morning I’ve changed to high strength ibruprofen to see if this will make a difference.

    Also had a rubbish nights sleep, just couldn’t get comfy with pain all down my left buttock and leg lol

    Boobs are feeling pretty solid today compared to yesterday, they were quite jiggly. Currently got an ice pack resting on them.

    Will add another pic soon
    Oh and I can’t wait to have a proper bath! Lol


    @xxxsaralouxxx hi Hun I know exactly how you feel I was bloated for about 2weeks though my belly was never going to go back to how it was lol I stopped the codiene day 3
    I had a shallow bath at day 5 it was heaven πŸ™‚ had to get my boyfriend to lift me out tho haha xx

    mbowne 33

    Oh the bloat was the worst things for me for the first week! Just got to try think of how good the final products will look! ? xx


    this is not good…. I have a party about 2 weeks after my op! I need to get into a dress I cant be bloated lol! any tips on how to get rid of it? why do you actually bloat?xx

    Sara 23

    It’s horrid isn’t it @clairelh doesn’t help I’ve not been to the loo for 3 days ? stomach feels solid and huge lol I’m gonna wait till Friday after dressings off then try for a bath or a partial shower. Xx

    Sara 23

    I know, it’s funny how it’s affects you isn’t it @mbowne

    I’m not really sure @cwinch whether it’s just the surgery itself or the medication but I’m sure you’ll be fine, I’m hoping it only lasts a few days lol xx

    Abbie 13

    I think the codeine causes bloating and constipation. I had a really spicy dinner and some hot teas on Day 3 which helped me. I’m Day 5 now.


    ahhhh let me know @xxxsaralouxxx I think its the medication possibly the anaesthetic they give you in the hospital xxx


    Am I the only one who hasn’t got codeine??? I was only given paracetamol n ibuprofen? I had my op on Sunday, felt a bit bloated cos I’d not been to the toilet until this morning, much better now . Boobs feeling very solid n swollen, using ice packs which I think are helping xx


    hi @nikkistephenson1985 iv heard people being given codine, co-codomal and people using paracetemol and ibuprofen! I think maybe each surgeon is different?
    how many paracetamol and ibuprofen can you take in a day? im worried about taking too much. I cant take co-codomal, and iv never had codine. id much rather paracetemol and ibuprofen!
    how many days are you po? what size did you have and overs or unders? im trying to plan how much pain im going to be in lol! also girls where did you get ice packs? im looking online πŸ™‚ xxxx


    @xxxsaralouxxx I couldn’t go for 6days it was horrible I was getting more worried about stretch marks on my belly than on my boobs lol xx

    Nicole Newman 13

    It’s horrible I had my op on Friday and still haven’t been to the loo ?! I was told I couldn’t take ibuprofen as it thins your blood? Xx


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    Charlotte I had my op on Sunday so 2 days po, I can take 8 paracetamol and 6 ibuprofen in a 24 hour period, I don’t feel like I need anything extra or stronger, I had 300cc hp unders from a 32a, they just feel very hard n swollen at the moment n can’t wait to get the strapping off on Friday! I had the same problem looking for something cd packs but someone on here told me to get them off amazon, called kool pak n they are fab. It’s so hard to try n predict how much or little pain you will be in, I was the same, yes it’s uncomfortable but totally manageable n I’ve mostly been on my own with not much help n I’m coping xx

    Kimberley 2

    I got my op on thurs & STILL haven’t been to toilet ? I’ve taken 4 Senna & still, nothing!! It’s riduculous!! My boobs look tiny coz my stomach is so large! Haha x

    Misia 54

    Hi @xxxsaralouxxx I slept very well but was very hard to get up massive pain πŸ™ so this morning took two tablets codeine and I was out πŸ™ slept till afternoon πŸ™ my chest really hurts πŸ™ so many girls said day 2,3 is the worst so I think tomorrow should be good πŸ™‚ but hard to believe . Sara if you have problem sleep at night take two tablet of codeine πŸ™‚ I even after one sleep like a baby πŸ™‚

    Misia 54

    Not been in toilet as well Hihi maybe even better I can’t flash water so always my fiancΓ© doing this after me haha feel a bit embarrassed πŸ™

    lindsey 123

    oh god lol not looking forward to that bit haha. my flush hangs from the ceiling as well. xx :/

    Misia 54

    and I’m sleepy again πŸ™ this tablets not helping with pain just making me tired :/

    Sara 23

    Really fed up today. Didn’t sleep well, just couldn’t get comfy, really bloated, sore and bruised and just generally feeling blah ? @misia I’ve swapped codiene for ibruprofen for now to see if that’s what’s causing the bloating and not being able to go to the loo. Xx

    Sara 23

    It’s awful isn’t it @clairelh I look like I’m expecting lol Also had to take my sports bra off for a bit to let the girls breathe xx

    Sara 23

    I’m on my own too @nikkistephenson1985 but had friends calling in on me bringing me presents/ shopping etc and checking I’m ok ? xx

    lindsey 123

    does everybody get bloated then πŸ™ xx

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