Blood test results Started by: Chelsea

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  • Chelsea 15

    Does anyone know how long it roughly takes for blood tests to come back? I had it done at the Mya clinic in Birmingham last Friday. The anethesist wants to check my kidney is ok as I have one cystic kidney and one normal functioning one. So they just want to ensure that one is ok. Still haven’t had the results and my op is next Friday the 20th. So I’m slightly panicking =\

    charlie 52

    Just ring them hun once in the morning and once in the afternoon just tell them each time have u got my results it’s next week I’m slightly panicking they’ll get sick of u ringing and chase it up lol x

    Elle36 1

    I think they come back really quick because it’s a private service – quicker than NHS.
    I had blood tests heard nothing so just emailed PC they were back and I asked for copies too.
    You are paying a lot of money for the service, don’t be afraid to ask x

    Chelsea 15

    @charliebabex Thanks Hun, that’s what I did on Monday haha so I left it today but never heard nothing so will try again tomorrow! X

    Thats what I thought! Nurse said the results should be back Monday. Yeah I’ll call and email them tomorrow X

    Hannah 214

    They had mine back within 48hrs but they never contacted me. I had to phone them x

    Chelsea 15

    @hannahlaura Thank you Hannah! Yes I called this morning and they were still waiting to hear back from the surgeon. They’ve just called me back to say they’re happy with the blood test results so all is ok to go ahead! I can finally start getting excited =) x

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